The regulation does not preclude any problem to use the swimming style that you see fit, although at the beginning of the game using the breaststroke, swimming for its ease and low energy consumption compared to its slow crawl made it totally forgotten when the level of the triathletes was improving. There have also been Ballesterros case as Joaquin says in his book on the triathlon of a Japanese swimmer who carried out the iron man-to-back with a mirror attached to his shoulder. It also highlights some "machines" that have made the swim a butterfly.
Among the techniques of swimming the front crawl swimming is the fastest by far, and not only that, but that the proportion of speed / cost is also clearly the winner. But the crawl of triathletes is not like the crawl of competitive swimmers is more like the crawl of long distance swimmers, some authors compared the crawl swimming water polo, but the truth is almost equal to swim in long distance or in open water. Swimming water polo head is almost out all the time and some even use a lot of breaststroke kick.
difference in not only how to breathe if we have to have some distinguishing factors more into account. The disengaging go in different section of this work.
arms in the triathlon crawl
crawl The adaptation of the triathlete to swim is master permit energy savings. In swimming the swim course we must base our energy primarily on the arms.
According to Joaquin Ballesteros this has to be 90% of the improvement. Ie we have to propel virtually arms.
an effective, long and comfortable swimming is the way., But I would point out some things for triathletes, my advice if you're not swimming are:
Strip -*- 1, only one arm at a time, until one arm did not reach the thigh not start the movement in the water with the other.
2 º -*- If you are looking for deep water waves and still, remember to move the still water to help you move forward.
3 º -*- seeks a recovery (which makes the arm out of the water) comfortable, forget about the technique of the swimmers elbows high. Because if there is only a little hand wave hitting you will do with the waves. Make the recovery that you feel more comfortable. I make a recovery arm's length and control of a boost to the entrance area of \u200b\u200bthe hand.
4 ° -*- Push down with your hand when you want to head out to guide you, help you sink that during this important time.

legs in the triathlon crawl
This is where we have to adapt more theoretical technique of front crawl swimming Olympic to our specialty. Swimmers use a frequency of six per cycle shakes hands, or six kicks every two strokes. That is amazing for a triathlete who has not been a swimmer. It's more I have to say that many swimmers do not swim that often and even less if swimming test in 1500, and that once completed can now rest. A triathlete when it leaves the water, it is a lot of material to meet, especially with his legs.
The dual objectives of your legs (shake for experts) is, first you do not sink so you do not hold back and second that you are not tired. If you can achieve both these goals with little movement or no movement is perfect.
I can not conclude without saying that your goal is the international elite of the triathlon, you have to work hard your legs, because the really good, well almost all, use their legs to move through the water.

Respiration in the triathlon crawl
pool swimmers have black lines at the bottom of the pool that guide its course smoothly. Instead of open water swimmers and triathletes have to find their bearings when placed in the race. To determine the respiratory rate we must address several factors:
The possibility of side references: If part of the route is parallel to the coast to a port, we can adjust our breath on that side either every two or Take four strokes and head forward five or six breaths.
Our position in the race (in the bunch): If we are in the squad, we can choose to breathe very little forward and maintain the frequency of breathing that we have trained. Ideally, in this case would breathe every three strokes to keep a check on the two sides.
Our position on the run (top): If we are first or the small group of heads, we must be careful in two things, do not travel more than necessary if we are the first or to monitor the former is not confused and we followed behind, which often occurs even in the highest competition. Sometimes a canoe or a boat tour marks what have watched this boat is a success. In the case of not doing so, we must have a plan in our head and a clear goal of where we are headed, a breathing cycle forward six (twelve strokes) a little higher this frequency the closer we get to the buoy .
The water status: When the route is at sea and this is a little upset we find two major setbacks. The first is that if we remove the head to breathe can have a clear reference to our site, we have to take advantage of waves to breathe and then make sure it's head and find the target quickly. Have en cuenta que es mejor sacar mucho una vez que tener que sacar la cabeza dos o tres veces para ver la llegada o la boya. Y la segunda cuestión es la propia acción de las olas que aran que nos moverán de nuestra trayectoria. Es importante conocer bien el recorrido y las corrientes que nos pueden afectar y salir con un objetivo de respiración para cada tramo de nado.
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