Thursday, July 29, 2010

Why Are Some Black Peoples Eyes Yellow?



Another crime against humanity gives territorial waters to the WWF

July 28, 2010 - With the Executive Order entitled "Administration of the ocean, our coasts and the Great Lakes", released on 19 July, President Obama orders the management of U.S. waters is carried out according to the environmental criteria required by the genocidal fascist WWF (acronym in English of World Wide Fund for Wildlife) of the British crown. In fact, the WWF hailed the Executive Order, hours before it was unveiled in the U.S. schedule, as a "historic step" towards implementing "a policy [that] has long been a high priority for the Fund Wildlife World. "

American statesman Lyndon LaRouche denounced this outburst of the oceans as the last of the crimes against humanity committed by this president usurper. "Obama just now announced its intention to commit another crime against humanity. Its policy on health services was a crime against humanity. His initiative to 'cap-and-swap "is a crime against humanity. It is very difficult to find something that has made the president from among its most important policies, which is not a crime against humanity, "said LaRouche.

The executive order establishing a National Oceanographic Council within the government with the task of carrying out the "recommendations" of a group of experts from various agencies created a year ago. The expert group's recommendations, also released on July 19, pose a program that virtually declares ecological parks, huge portions of the territorial waters and floodplains of the U.S., where bans all human activity. For the first time, there will be a coordinated system of management of the oceans, coasts and Great Lakes United States, "proclaimed the WWF.

And how the WWF wants to manage these vital resources? The "Global Water Programme" of the WWF is dedicated to reduce overall water use by humans, and in particular for agriculture. It works like a shock bracket to prevent the construction of any new program of water management worldwide, and to overthrow the already built, to stop inter-basin transfer river, close the desalination (these lunatics call "new food" today), changing irrigation strategy to "hold" the water, and discourage the use of the water handing the water to control the "markets" - that is, the oligarchs of the WWF for the water costs while humans can not use. To propose to establish a market to use or sell "the rights of water use" (maybe the name is' pee and exchange? ")

This comes from the very people whose deliberate actions have destroyed the ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico. The president emeritus of the WWF, William Reilly, co-chair of the committee "Independent" appointed by Obama to cover up the destruction of the British Petroleum (BP) in the Gulf, wrote in the Washington newspaper Politico on 22 April: "Given the inaction of Congress, the president Barack Obama gave instructions a team of experts from various agencies to design a program on the oceans that can be carried out by executive order. " Call

fascism by decree.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Free Cross Stitch Patterns Of Pokemon


Matroswimming What is?
The Matroswimming stimulation is an aquatic activity for which the child can start in the game and learning in the water with the help of mom and dad and get used to a new medium for play and the moves before you do ground.

When I can start school with my baby?
The babies can practice since the fall of umbilical cord to 7 years. The earlier the child's contact with water, better adaptability and ease of learning. Babies under one year of adapting to water more quickly than older children.
Still, some experts recommend waiting until 4 months after birth and ends at that age to mature the baby's immune system and the chances of getting colds or ear infections as otitis , decrease .

Pediatricians recommend it because it is an activity ideal for young ones that usually can be confined to a cot, buggy rides and a few juegos.Ahora, not just children who learn, which is a source of enjoyment and fun for parents, but they also class to class learning game safe in the water and safety rules that help avoid accidents.

While the child is small and has not yet reached the maturity to engage in other activities and sports, water is presented as a fun and comfortable for the enjoyment and well juego.Si Matroswimming advantages are many and varied, be sure to consult your family doctor or pediatrician for him to take a control of physical development and health in monthly consultations with your baby.

What are the benefits for the baby?
Matroswimming The benefits are varied and are manifest in all aspects of the baby, either emotional or physical. Furthermore, these advantages are not only short term, and observed in the water, but are a long-term learning and apply to future activities of your child.

relaxed • Babies
Initially, it was found that children who practice the swim from a young, sleep and are more relaxed as to face another day of fun activities, and on the other hand, his humor is much better than sedentary children. This also helps them live more easy to adapt to their environment.

• Increased socialization
Being shared activities in a pool with other children and other parents, it helps them enter the social world by maintaining contact with the other kids. And even more, because it improves the relationship with their parents because the child must learn to trust them in the water. Needs your help to make all the movements.

• Better response to problems and further concentration There
initiated studies of children in swimming at an early age to show that achieve what is called "lively intelligence" which makes them more adaptable in difficult situations and quick to respond to problems. At the same time, because they are mechanical exercises, has found that children also achieve a greater ability to concentrate.

multiple physical benefits can be observed an increase in appetite as well as cardiovascular and respiratory benefits, because babies need to adapt to a new way of breathing underwater. It is also good for controlling obesity and increases reserves of immunity in the future will allow better defend against external aggression and infections. It is also recommended as therapy for children with asthma or disabilities.

What role do parents play in school?

Young children learn through play and learn alongside their parents. And in an area as special as water is necessary for young swimmers feel safe in the hands of their parents.

sessions in the water, beyond the learning itself swimming, facilitate the emotional relationship between parents and children to the extent in the days pass and safety drills. Indeed

motor coordination and balance that achieves the smallest, will be favored by the absence of fear that achieved by the help of their parents in initiating water.

in the company of their parents, all games are simple and safe and this is essential so that, in just a few months later, comes a degree of autonomy in the child and the baby to swim alone and with confidence. as well as for mom and dad growth and development are paramount baby and want to participate in this evolution.

relationship with with his mother babies still being breast fed by is not the same as they have with their father, so Matroswimming classes will be a good experience for both since they can strengthen their relationship.

The first interactions with your baby, are based on contact and excellent support small, and that means more than just a hug or a few caresses. For the infant, how to look, touch or hold, is a direct message about their feelings for him and also allows the child to return that love to answer increasingly visible, especially in the involvement of family activities.

How long is each class Matroswimming?
Each school has its own rules to give classes, but the average time varies between 30 and 45 minutes, 3 times a week, depending on the strength of the children included in the group . The truth is that the water activity is about to repeat the same exercise 4 times on the ground. Water exercises require a lot of muscular effort, so most instructors recommend starting with classes of 15 minutes so that the younger ones adapt to this new medium and later, when the exercises become more complex, 30 minutes remaining in the pool.

consito What exercises and games?
games are made with materials such as balls, tables, bands, and floats to achieve balance and strengthen muscle tone, the circulatory system and the system we practice óseo.También displacement to float and to achieve flexibility. One of the first exercises that are done to start the adaptation in the water, is cradling the baby with arms and walking through water, always maintaining contact with the baby so it does not matter. Another exercise Alazar adjustment is based on the child so that only her feet touch the water and then hold him in a game movement into space.

What precautions should I take?

Water is a new world for babies, beyond knowing by the bathrooms that give mom and dad. Be within a pool requires special preparation, especially to adapt to a new sense of body weight, and a complex breathing technique under agua.Sólo must be careful to strictly monitor the water quality pool and that all babies and their parents to take an adequate medical examination prior to beginning this activity.

General recommendations:
can take into account the recommendations to be prepared for classes:

Get him used to water beforehand
One of the recommendations made by the class teachers of Matroswimming is when the baby bath . The child tries to play more time in the water, which is familiar, change positions and wet your face, as it could panic when entering the pool for the first time.

• Learn about the materials you should bring schools generally
of Matroswimming gives parents a guide to bring materials to class. Always keep in touch with the school or teachers to be sure not to miss anything.

not forget the bottle
continuous exercise, and especially in water, whets the appetite, so do not forget the baby bottle of warm milk to compensate for energy expenditure.

• Bathe your baby
Then at the end of class is also recommended to bathe your baby with water to avoid skin irritation because of the chlorine in pools.

Bring towels
not forget warm towel or gown for your baby to dry your little body and keep warm while you feed or change before returning home.

• Bring diapers
Always have on hand and change diapers after class to make you feel clean and entourage.

• Bring toys submersible
Sometimes babies are afraid to dive into the water because it is an unknown. You can take some toys submersibles and recognize the child to be encouraged to enter the aguan with greater ease. At home you can take a bath with them so they can begin to associate early the aquatic environment and play.

• Forget
is good that everyone will enjoy learning in the water with the baby and keep in mind that the warm water helps to relax, eliminating tension and stress of everyday life. So take advantage of it you too!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Famous Japanese Models


and two centuries later the fight for American freedom and sovereignty continue ...

LPAC - July 23, 2010

The British are discovered, the time to bounce to Obama is now!

The following is the report we received from a prominent member of the delegation of British Prime Minister David Cameron in Washington. When you read this piece of British perfidy, will be immediately clear that all patriotic Americans would have to act immediately to make Barack Obama president from office. British policy is to sink the U.S., and Obama totally sympathize with this objective Britain. Therefore, we have to get Obama in office now.

In a frank presentation to a group of Americans on Tuesday night, Cameron's spokesman sent a direct message: no more Anglo-American special relationship, the U.S. is going down, and Britain is making plans for a world after U.S.. The new British relations are anchored in Brazil and India, with the prospect that the headquarters of the Commonwealth itself could move to India. Britain imposed a brutal austerity, including a significant reduction of its military operations around the world, but throw a switch to a Hamiltonian policy. Like Turkey, Britain will distance continental Europe.

The active concept behind this message loud and clear about London is that the British puppet Obama has destroyed both the United States as the culmination of a process of more than 40 years, the British now strutting his final game: the end United States, as we know it.

Is there any doubt that the first priority of every true American patriot is Obama's immediate removal from office?

Heir Churchill described the mission to end the U.S.: an interview with Jonathan Sandys

July 21, 2010 - July 20, EIR reporter interviewed Jonathan Anton Chaitkin Sandys (pronounced "sands"), Churchill's grandson and a representative of the Churchill family. In 2008, at age 33, Sandys moved to America, married a Texan and British created the Churchill Foundation in Houston in 2009.

Chaitkin Sandys telephoned him after seeing the daily report OTC (Off the Cuff, Daily Report) from Monday-TV 19 in LPAC on Sandys's speech at a meeting of the Tea Party Clear Lake, Texas which instigated the secession of Texas from the United States. Sandys

you Chaitkin said he has been concerned that Texas seceded from the United States since moving to that state. Has met several times with Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who has suggested that Texas could be separated.

Sandys said Perry plans to visit England and to place a plaque at the site of the Embassy of Texas, the state has always maintained in England since its independence from Mexico in 1840.

"Well we could see a repeat of 1861" Sandys said, the beginning of the Civil War slave owners, the American Civil War. He said the government in the U.S. Obama is alienating the alliance between the states and indicated that if the "38 states" (the according to the secessionist movements have) decided to use his constitutional right to secede, the British would give them a warm welcome to a friendly relationship special.

"If Texas opens the door and exit," he said, "Britain would establish a new special relationship with Texas. This would be written" as opposed to the special relationship with the U.S., which was only informal. "In fact, Texas already has long had its own long-standing special relationship with Britain" assured the EIR.

Sandys described the warm welcome they have given Texans Anglophiles, as a representative and spokesman for Churchill. He said he has often seen Pamela Harriman, the former daughter of Winston Churchill who later married Averell Harriman, when she went to England to the Churchill family gatherings.

America for all Americans from TRUKINY on Vimeo .

Sandys's mission in the United States reflects the old story of his family to "control America." Winston Churchill, grandson of the same Wall Street speculator and owner of the New York Times Leonard Jerome, was responsible for control Harry Truman after the death of Franklin Roosevelt.

Duncan Sandys, grandfather of Jonathan Sandys, married the daughter of Winston Churchill, Diana in 1935. The next day, as the Tory MP, Duncan Sandys defended the right of Nazi Germany to take over central Europe, according to the "Cliveden Set" pro-fascist transatlantic Astor family. Duncan

Dandys occupied successively the posts of Secretary of State for Commonwealth Affairs and Secretary of State for the Colonies British since 1960, through the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, until 1964. He was a member of the board, along with David Astor, the Parliamentary Group for World Government and Global Security Consortium.

Sandys in 1972 became president of the company Tiny Roland and the royal family, London and Rhodesian Mining Company ("Lonrho") support strongly the white ruler of a colonial Rhodesia, Ian Smith, against the efforts of blacks to have a majority government. Jonathan Sandy

said in an interview with EIR reporter did not know the British intelligence and character of Ambrose Evans-Pritchard. But the passionate involvement in politics Sandys internal secessionist and continues to reflect U.S. operations Evans-Pritchard, when he was stationed here as a correspondent for the London Telegraph in 1990. Evans-Pritchard

handled the scandals against President Bill Clinton, to incite networks connected to the private militia movements that he personally promoted and helped organize to undertake actions against the government. (Jon Roland, agent 'militant' Evans-Pritchard, is now the Libertarian Party candidate for Attorney General of Texas).

Among the groups handled by the British were the Texas separatist movements, some of which still operate in tandem with the presence of Jonathan Sandys in Texas.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Used Sailboat Parts In Canada

A Beautiful Picture of the World Cup

In 2008, Rice University, the University of Houston, the Consulate of Mexico and Literal invite the Master Monsiváis to give two lectures in Houston . Mark Zimmerman, was the head of Latin American Studies U of H, and as he had established a friendly relationship with the teacher, took the initiative to call several agencies to make this trip. It was really a luxury to have a writer of such stature in our midst. His arrival was scheduled for Wednesday in August at a restaurant Westheimer, a somewhat bohemian with oil paintings and cement floor. Excitement caused me to see among all these people I had been working to enable their arrival. He looked a little tired. During the meal, we talked a little bit of everything from literature to the work being done at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. The teacher MariCarmen Monsivais already knew Ramirez and his intention to make the MFAH, the world center of Latin American art. "Comala I left because I said it was in Los Angeles, Houston or Chicago, where my father lived, though one Pedro Páramo.A of racist policies, harassment, threats and murders, the integration of Latin America with the United States has to do strictly with the work order and work order which is providing the elements of legitimacy and legality of these Mexicans in the United States . The rest of the talk can be found in the magazine Literal

night, Maarten VanDelden, which at that time was head of Latin American Studies, invited us to dinner at a restaurant sponsors Italian and, of course, the writer. However, he remained silent and soon apologized and asked to be taken to the hotel. Solieh Padilla who at the time was the cultural attaché of the Consulate. took him to his hotel. On his return to our dinner, and with much surprise, we talked to the teacher had confessed on the road, he had not read his paper but so had improvised, it seemed he was reading. I did not want to give the impression of not writing his paper. I was speechless and my admiration for their work doubled because I never have been able to make me look like a paper as an essay. It was like writing an essay spoke before a packed auditorium

on Friday gave his talk about the traditions before an audience at the University of Houston. Next day, however, Bencomo Anadeli made an exclusive interview with the Maestro same as published in Literal - which can also be read on the blog of Literal

. We will always remember this visit from this Comala jiustonaina.

How Many Watts Is A Flashlight

If we had the treadmill, ride the roller as we would not have the "swimming machine." The TRITON is just that. A device developed to simulate the crawl or freestyle swimming in a dry environment such as our home, gym or club.

Any swimmer or triathlete knows that Swimming is the right combination of technique and strength. Understand how to move each body part properly and then practice over and over again until the habit is the key to the improvement in swimming.

Triton, according announce its creators, was designed with the idea that its use promotes improved swimming technique of the athlete achieves while strengthening the muscles involved.
The device is fully adjustable to caracterísitcas swimmer / triathlete as shoulder width, torso length, etc.. If we can guess the video orbservamos several things:

"The team is a great way to work the muscles involved in swimming and their use would be a better option against the use of machines or weights.

"The gestures of the input phases, grasp, pull and push can easily be learned or improved as the guides of the apparatus" teach "our hands the technique.

-looking design with no strings attached that the recovery is done without charge and relaxed to learn how to be felt in the water. However, if you watch the video will understand what I mean, the stage of recovery efforts should be remembering to lift the elbow in each cycle to avoid using the device generates incorrect services.

"The device train the kick does not seem entirely accurate in the search for improvement of the gesture because it works only with bending from the knees and not from the hips. Actually more like a device to strengthen hamstring.

In summary, the TRITON is a good option to improve some technical movements to strengthen muscles and to replace swims when we are unable to do them.

For its price (U $ S 2500) consider it difficult to purchase for personal use. Certainly easier than it is purchased by institutions, clubs, etc and these make them available for their customers.
According to the website of the manufacturer, the TRITON is used in:

-Academy U.S. Air Force, Colorado Springs

-USAT Olympic Training Center, Colorado Springs

-Chelsea Piers Sports Complex, New York

-Northeastern University, Boston

Posted by
More info:

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

What Cause Big Stomach N Women


How the Green Movement failed us?

Eyad Jamaleddine
July 7, 2010

It's hard not to notice the endless loads of propaganda.

The word epic comes to mind when describing the perpetuation of lies given to commoners. Watching the news every day, or tour the Discovery Channel, it's hard not to notice the endless propaganda charges that are dumped on the audience. local television station parrots the talking points from national stations: "The Earth is dying, we must act now to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, to establish a child policy and networking of taxes to save our Mother Earth. "At first glance one might accept the premise, is that carbon dioxide, methane and other gases emitted by anthropogenic activities are the causes of global warming. However, when one assesses the authors of the assumptions and data accumulated, it is difficult to overlook the glaring statistical manipulations.

The hockey stick graph famous produced by Mann was a piece of great influence in public debate. suggested, in the form of a hockey stick las temperaturas mundiales están aumentando drásticamente como resultado de la era industrial y post-industriales. Sin embargo, en los últimos años, muchos han cuestionado la integridad de los resultados de Mann. No sólo hay falta de los estadísticos de la Asociación Americana de Meteorología, que publicó los resultados de Mann, pero la escasez y la integridad de los datos es también un factor clave que debe ser investigada.


The Mann graph.
The corrected version of the graph.

Given that the initial chart was used by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) as a lobbying tool to convince skeptics of global warming, becomes disturbing to see that replacing the graphics with a new update has not happened yet.

Moreover, taxpayers with the report of the IPCC, as Kevin Trenberth, was quoted as saying that "global warming is likely to continue spurring more outbreaks of intense hurricane activity." The media rushed to cover fear mongering that global warming could cause an explosion in the number of tropical storms and climatic disasters that kill millions of people, on the basis of the above quotation. What I failed to mention was that the hurricane and tropical cyclone expert Christopher Landsea who was hired by the International United Nations second and third on Climate Change, to assess the link between changes in tropical cyclones around the world and climate change (global warming), could never establish a link between global warming and increased hurricanes or tropical storms!

Although Landsea published its findings, the IPCC ignored his findings and the report can be found predictions of severe natural disasters due to global warming.

Another mass-produced and pushed to individuals of all ages, are the photos deafening ice melts and retraction of ice in the Arctic and Antarctica. Whether in a university or pre-school, the student can remember beating PowerPoint presentations with the latest misleading images. of artists creating sculptures and place in Antarctica during the melt season, Al Gore fairing a helicopter round trip across the glacier melt in the spring, the image is always followed by the phrase Trademark: "There you have it, the ice is melting, the water will go up, humanity will die."

What is not mentioned is the work of scientists like Dr. Wingham, Senior Scientist European Space Agency's CryoSat, satellite missions. As stated by the Canadian National Post and other publications, Dr. Wingham has been collecting data from satellites over the years (without the CryoSat satellite), and surprising conclusions. early last year in a European Union Space Conference in Brussels, for example, Dr. Wingham revealed that data from a satellite of the European Space Agency showed Antarctic thinning was not more common than thickening, and concluded that the spectacular collapse of ice shelves on the Antarctic Peninsula was much more likely that the current natural fluctuation of global warming. In fact, you can go further and declare that from 1992 to 2003, a whopping 72% of the ice cap that covers the entire land mass of Antarctica is growing at a rate of 5 mm (0 , 2 inches) per year!

  • If the facts do not seem to have been sufficient to prevent the green movement or mislead yuppie followers that the key would be to go outside and look up, around noon, a sunny. The device produces causing heat and sweat and squint is approximately 1.496 × 108 km (~ 92,957,130 miles) away and is the size of about 1 million, ie one million Earths. size dumfounding power cut and the latter has enormous effects on temperature fluctuations. has been observed that the Sun's magnetic field has more than doubled in strength in the 20 th century, resulting in increasing temperatures. is also the fact solar activity has been reduced in recent times, probably causing the drop in temperature reported worldwide since 2001. The this, Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of space research laboratory Pulkovo said that Mars was also realize that higher temperatures and melting ice in the lower altitude. further consolidate the theories of Sun activities to global temperature changes.

Even the staunchest advocates of global warming must be in accordance with the main meteorologist Hendrik Tennekes, when he declared that the weather forecast for periods longer then three days is virtually impossible, even with capacity current computer. latter is obvious when one is preparing a tour and comes to depend on the weather forecast.

With all these aspects, perhaps the Green movement worldwide should focus on real environmental hazards such as pollution of water with various hormones, ie estrogens, GM crops and the hazards associated with genetically modified organism, the emerging world of Nanotechnogies and toxicity of the latter. Would not it be nice if the green movement awoke to the dangers of water fluoridation and the effects of using depleted uranium rounds in the Middle East, causing the destruction of the environment through radiation catastrophic? What credibility would the green movement if the depopulation of the world was removed from the agenda? If economic sanctions were not green policies of third world nations and the millions who die of malnutrition would be allowed access to sanitation? If fascist ideologies of control and domination were not the globalist Monkey Green parties, not all unite? Not the pollution of local waters of Canada and northern U.S. a heavy metal have higher priority than carbon credits, when global warming is based on prejudices and assumptions of misleading data?

The real question is: who benefits? Who is funding the expropriation of the neo-fascists of wealth and land? The answer is Goldman Sachs, George Soros, Al Gore and many other globalist cronies ... The same people who brought you the Iraq war and the Patriot Act, the friendly people between racks trying to close the site.

Who will win? Definitely not the average American with burdensome tax rates, lost three jobs for every job "green" created, taxes per mile for car users, home inspection ...

attention should turn to criminals who are robbing the middle class and reclaim their increasing our personal wealth. Shame Mr. Gore, carbon footprint is probably larger than all readers of this article together. A life of luxury, with a few dozen houses and cars, should not be practicing what he preaches?

Uncensored Version

The Great Global Warming Swindle (full version, uncensored) from TRUKINY2 on Vimeo .