Monday, March 29, 2010

Emerson E10 Garbage Disposal Reset Button F



Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ground Venison And Pork


What is flexibility?

Flexibility is a morpho-functional property of the musculoskeletal system. Depends on the mobility of its elements. It manifests as flexion, extension, rotation, circles and all the movements that allow the structure of the different joints. Flexibility depends on the ability of muscle to contract and expand and shorten or lengthen (stretch), and the ability to move joints as wide (joint mobility). In short we can say that flexibility is the union of these two things, joint mobility and muscle elasticity.

Why stretching?

stretches are designed to increase range of motion. A variety of beneficial stretches for swimmers, but some of us are others.Backward stretching more than can be taken before, during and after training, but preferably just after warming them.

The benefits of stretching are many, including:
* Reduce muscle tension and makes the body feel more relaxed.
* Help coordination by allowing freer movement and easier.
* Increases range of motion.
* Prevent injuries and muscle pulls.
* Improved performance of the workout, as your body gets ready for work. Makes it easier
* sports or physical activities.
* Develop body awareness.
* It helps release the body control the mind.
* Improved circulation and speeds.

How do stretches?

To stretch effectively and safely, keep these important rules:
As in all areas of movement at the heart of all techniques is the correct execution of the exercises.

The basis of this technique is the realization of static stretching, muscle tension maintained with no pain, working on sense of elongation, in a relaxed and focused on the muscles being stretched. We should never stretch

sharply, or feel pain, the feeling of stretching is what we feel and concentrate on it with the heightened state of relaxation possible.

Upon reaching a state of muscle tension in mild discomfort, which must hold between 20 and 30 seconds, he receives the voltage decreases with the passing seconds.

After stretching, slowly regains its normal position.

After this first stage and within the same year we can look with a smooth, relaxed increase travel a few centimeters and painless to maintain this "new" feeling of stretch for another 20 to 30 seconds. During

breathe slowly and controlled, while the latter has quietly, keeping the focus on exercise and the muscle groups that are being stretched.

Regularity and relaxation are important factors for good yields with this technique. Elongation levels can vary from day to day, if we work on the feeling of stretching and concentrated on it, never exceed our own limits.

Stretch every time you exercise, warming up and / or after workouts.

Take your time, haste does not bring more flexibility. Relax and enjoy the stretch. SUMMARY

* Achieve stretching position.
* Maintain the stretch between 20 and 30 seconds. * Never do
* Feel the sensation of stretching and stress reduction.
* After stretching, slowly regains its normal position.
* Do not hold your breath while stretching

The effect of cool-down:

Many people think that the cool-down is a waste of time because there is not any benefit derived from this activity. However, they are wrong. The neuromuscular system should recover gradually.
The cool-down can be done in the water swimming some laps in a relaxed, you can even take the opportunity to make a work of technical quality, such as technical exercises.
With the return to calm, we could define it as an ongoing activity at low intensity, and it will avoid extra pressure to the heart and a decrease in cramping and muscle soreness after exercise. source

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Blue Potato Bush Poisonous To Pets?

Reading vs digital.

the streets of Boston one finds the bustle of the outdoor cafes filled with college students, in view of the Charles River with sailboats pushed by the wind music of buskers and a rich cultural environment tasty supported by art galleries.
To put it simply: the painting of Sebastian Picker is a delicate mixture of images, is a happy encounter between beauty and expression. Form and feed back resulting in an entirely contemporary work, but the elements that are having strokes, even dating back to the classical school. Sebastian Picker was born in Santiago de Chile in 1956. But from a young age the artist lived in exile uprooted when his family decided to leave the country after the military coup and the Pinochet regime's injustices. Anyone disagree disappeared without trace. The flagship event of the injustices of that time was held against the musician. And so his family went into exile.

This event caused in a stage production painter somber, almost monochromatic, immersed satyrs and political elements. Among friends I had good reviews: "change your shades of gray to another color," he said, but the need to express the horror of living in a self-taught, they did continue with the same style.

This period evolved so that his work underwent a change, and the light in his paintings began to appear more Byzantine in its management. The golden light seems to come from their own characters. Such is the case with his picture in the office.

In his most recent works, the artist seems to mock the media. In the painting Metamorphosis, a marriage occurs reading the newspaper but their heads are an accurate reflection newspaper that apparently puts up with the news. These figures seated with passive and sad eyes, no feet. It seems not to advance ever. In other diseases such as Labyrinth and informed portrait of a couple are the same media which deprive man of a deeper search. All roads lead to the same: alienation. And it is this mass deception which is reflected in their plump figures, empty expression, pretending to children, almost babies hair and little round heads. As previously stated, in all his pictures the character is the same, and the identity of modern man that celebrates all that depersonalized us, that is, everything that moves us away from our own soul. "I've always been concerned about the human soul but I'm not a religious person," says Picker. As
manipulating the masses through information is a recurring theme in his work, social injustice is another. In imbalances and a bigger house becomes clear that the privilege of some few will be built at the expense of a large number of underprivileged people.

In the color palette and the sharpness of his technique, Picker recreates a space in which the intention is rescued classical art. The artwork looks to be a means by which speak the truth. In the rhythm of their images reveals more than one subject, the viewer finds references to the world in which he lives, but always within a halo aesthetic, always in the balance between beauty and truth.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Itunes Wont Let Me Drag Songs


interesting report that I share with you, our friends ...... greetings tritim
all know that swimming is the technical discipline triathlon and the perfection of it has benefits very important (higher speed, less risk of injury, etc..).
The technical improvement of motor learning is to be based on three fundamental points (TOP):

Observation Theory -------> -------> Practice
need to gather all available material to study the route of arms and legs, body position and head, etc.. For this you can use literature, videos web sites, graphics, etc.La theory remain etched in your mind and help you to identify buggy.
On the Internet there are many videos and animations on front crawl technique that allow you to better understand the concepts teóricos.Para this, and before reading the theory I recommend you visit and download version sr free software. smooth. ( )

Mr Smooth is a lively software (PC and Mac) that lets you see the crawl technique in great detail and from 7 perspectives.
Another "Pro" version with additional facilities at a price of u $ s 35 for individuals and u $ s 175 for commercial use ..
can also help a lot to ask your coach film you periodically to see those errors in the water notes.
There are many exercises and drills to train the technique that we will see in subsequent post. To them it is important to remember these concepts:
-The technique works at low intensity so that your mind can begin to acquire the concepts and your body can coordinate. Be patient and consistent in order to improve every aspect.
"Do not try to train many aspects at once. Concentrate on one aspect such as the entrance of the hand in the water and the only limit yourself until you feel that you have acquired the concept. It then goes to another and so on.
-Incorporates technical exercises for all your training (preferably at the beginning of the session) and try to change them to not get bored. Changing a habit is never easy and it is important not to get discouraged and then you will see the results.
-Make your exercises to improve joint mobility of the shoulders and ankles and do not let mainly to train the flexibility of your muscles as more flexibility, greater efficiency of the gesture.
La brazada en el estilo libre tiene dos partes
1º- Tracción o parte acuatica: compuesta por 4 fases (Entrada, Extensión, Agarre, Tirón y Empuje)
2º- Recobro o parte aerea
1-Entrada de la mano :Antiguamente se enseñaba a los nadadores a realizar la entrada con rotación interna del hombro diciendoles que lo primero que debía entrar al agua era el dedo gordo. Esto es incorrecto y puede provocar lesiones en el hombro.

The correct entry is made for the shoulder in neutral position and the hand entering the first finger aligned with the shoulder without ever crossing the line of travel. The arm is in semi-flexed, with the elbow in a position higher than that of the hand facing up, not the wall.

water entering the palm should be facing down and slightly away from your body. At this time the other arm must be about halfway to the water phase or propulsion.

The more ahead of our body to the entry better. For this it is important to display the phrase "search by hand."

2-extension of the arm.

Many times, trying to stretch too committed erorr input as your wrist and elbow are below the fingers generating an undesirable braking effect (hand up).

The movement is mostly slightly forward and outward with a progressive extension of the arm. It is recommended that the fingers are always slightly below the wrist with a small bending of the latter.
The elbow should remain higher than orientadose hand up and out. The extension coincides with the onset of body rotation.
The hand and forearm should look deep down and looking back while the left elbow and forearm near the water surface.

elbow flexed gradually increasing its speed as it deepens its hand position. The maximum elbow flexion then coincide with the maximum depth of the hand.

The body rotates to allow pectoral and dorsal muscles do most of the work and absorb deltoides relatively low. Show
are trying to grab a barrel.
If exaggerated arm extension (phase 2) begins to grip your arm without bending and thrust of water causes a downward instead of backward unbalanced the body without favoring progress. Furthermore, this error in the technical gesture overload the rotator cuff and to continue and causes a very painful injury.
The hand must remain concave fingers together across the recorrido.El elbow begins to bend outward and going forward until the arm and forearm are a L. Once the hand, elbow and shoulder are in the same plane the hand is directed inward and backward with the elbow out. The movement continues to accelerate gradually.
When the hand reaches the lowest point of travel (dejajo head) begins adentro.En sweep this point the elbow is pointing directly to the wall while the arm goes hand in, back and up using mainly the deltoids (shoulders) and triceps.
This is the phase of maximum propulsion stroke.
When you start this stage the opposite arm that pushes the water enters the hand describes a way similar to S while pushing speeds inward and backward from the chest to the waist.

under water movement is from lower to higher. The hand should be accelerating as it goes through phases, however, care must be taken with the emphasis on the push as too much of it can cause the swimmer at the end of the trail ends pushing the water up hurting your position.

hand after the push phase out of the water edge, ie with the palm facing the thigh without pushing the water upward.

occurs at this stage the return of the hand from the rearmost point of the point immediately preceding the new entry into the water.

First out of the water is the elbow that moves upward and forward to achieve its maximum height when the hand passes through the armpit.

hand and wrist are relaxed. When the elbow reaches its highest point, the arm begins to extend forward and the hand goes to his new entry into the water. A good lift of the elbow provides more advanced input. Summary of phases

detailing the correct way the wrong way (Source: Swimsmoot)

source: (thanks ger!)