Alternative 1 - Like sitting but standing, with feet apart in line with the hips and shoulders relaxed.
2 - Hold the left wrist with his right hand back to the height of the buttocks. Pull the left wrist with his right hand. Try bringing your right ear to your right shoulder until you feel tension.
Chest and shoulder
* Separated from the wall approximately 60 cm., Between the feet in line with the hip.
* head aligned with spine, back straight, chest lifted and abs tight.
* One hand on the thigh and the other on the wall to shoulder height, a little back, fingers upward.
* Rotate the trunk and if you stay away from the wall. Check that your hips are straight. Breathe normally.
* When you feel tension in the shoulder holds the stretch but do not force or expect to feel pain.
* Hold for 8-10 seconds if you want to keep stretching the muscle and to increase about 20-30 seconds.
Repeat with other arm.
Rear arm

* Stand up straight, chest lifted, abs tight.
* Keep feet out of the hip. The head should remain in line with the spine.
* Inhale lift the left arm and bend your elbow. Lower your hand until it is in the middle of the shoulders and hold it close to the body. To do this help yourself with the right hand, put it behind the upper left arm and pushed back.
* Breathe normally. Hold left elbow with your right hand and on the elbow to the midline of the body
* Do not lower your head and hold the stretch.
* Repeat with other arm.
shoulder, back and trunk

* With back straight, chest lifted and abs tight. The feet apart at the hips. Head straight to the column.
* Raise your arms as much as possible, bringing the rib cage.
* Link wrists with palms together and hold the stretch.
* Do not neglect the head and neck, which must be straight and facing forward.
* knees, they in line with the hips and back straight.
* Head alienated with the spine.
* Support the palms on the floor with fingers pointing toward your knees. Browse
* hips gently back. When we notice tension in the forearms, aguntar the stretch.
Shoulders, back, chest and trunk 
* standing position, away from the wall approximately two feet.
* Back straight, chest up and head in line with the spine.
* Give a step back with right foot and stretch the opposite arm to the wall supporting the palm of your hand on it.
* Reaches up without separating from the wall while the arm closer to it.
* Hold the stretch for a few seconds.
1 - Repeat the other brazo.2-Repeat with both arms resting on the pared.3-Place your feet a few inches from the wall.
arms, shoulders and chest 
* Sitting on the floor. We will support behind us hands to shoulder height.
* Push your body forward until you feel the stretch.
* Do not exceed an awkward position or forcing the stretch.
1 - held in a door, on both sides of its frame, his hands behind and the height of the shoulders, leading the body forward. Will maintain the upper chest and chin inward.
2 - Interlock the hands behind us and raise the arms until you feel the stretch in the shoulders and chest. Keep your chest out and chin inward.
front part of the thigh and front of the ankle

* knees, sitting on his heels and the toes pointing down.
* Lie back gently resting his hands on the ground to control the stretch.
Note: great care must be taken to this stretch as it may damage the knee. Do not do this exercise if you experience knee pain.
Note: You'll Never feet out as it could cause an overstretching of ligaments inside the knee.
internal party hip
* Sitting with legs bent and the soles of the feet together.
* Holds the ankles on the inside of the legs and arms supported on the knees.
* Pressures with arms on your legs down slowly leaning forward until you feel a gentle stretch in English.
Note: If it costs you too much or you're uncomfortable, we may have the knees bent and the heels too close groin. You simply stretch your legs. Alternative
1 - Another way to stretch this area is to sit against a wall for support. With back straight and the soles of the feet together, use your hands to gently push down the insides of the thighs

* Cross Piesn one over the other in position stand and bend the trunk forward.
* Try to touch the ground with both hands at once.
Note: do not rebounds to get to the ground.
Note: If you feel pain do not do this exercise.

* Place the instep of the foot facing the floor
* Press forward and down.