Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mastercam X Solids Sweep




Nestor Kirchner - Clarin You Get! These Nervous?? from TRUKINY2 on Vimeo .

Friday, October 22, 2010

Pokemon: Frigo Returns Rom

The Darien Gap, where we have strangled the empire

The Taming of the Darien Gap. Narco-terrorists operating in Britain British protected areas, drug trafficking ...

The Taming of the Darien Gap. Narco-terrorists operating in Britain British protected areas, drug traffickers British
October 21, 2010 - It turns out that the 100 miles of swamp forest "impenetrable" in a region that is third in the annual average Rain on the planet (about 9.000 mm or 350 inches) is the least of the problems you have to "tame" in the Darien Gap.

As explained by LPAC-TV video just released, "The Taming of the Darien Gap, the Darién National Park, located on the Panamanian side the border with Colombia, is used "by the narco-cartel cocaine, FARC, to hide, smuggle drugs and commit gruesome murders and kidnappings freely."

On 4 October, armed forces and police of Colombia launched "Operation Darien", with which they attacked the camp of the FARC in Jurado, Choco, on Colombia's Pacific coast, one kilometer from the Panama border. With the use of Super Tucano aircraft and 15 helicopters, followed by 180 troops to take the area command, the attack killed three of the top leaders of the FARC's Front 57 operating in the area, identified by his alias of combat " Ignacio " "Silver" and "Nader."

"Ignacio" was a veteran of 25 years in the FARC responsible for the drug trafficking activities in the area, according to Colombian authorities, "sending more than 36 tons of cocaine from the Darien region to Central and States united. " The cocaine, worth more than $ 1000 million, was used to buy weapons for the cartel of the FARC in the country. "Silver" was in charge of the financial side of operations.

The FARC operate freely on both sides of the border in an area in which the opponents of the infrastructure projects in the Darien Gap has always characterized the falsehood of forest "impenetrable." In fact, 90% of the Panamanian side of the border with Colombia, is taken by the Darien National Park, created in 1980 and as revered as "Biosphere Reserve" by the British monarchy's WWF (the World Wide Fund for Vida Silvestre), among others. The Front 57 of the FARC was active in exactly that area of \u200b\u200bthe park. "Ignacio" topped the list of most wanted in Panama with a $ 300,000 reward on his head, for having laid a minefield out there, who recently mutilated two Panamanian police the border. He also was wanted for kidnapping an American in Panama, and had been sentenced in absentia in Colombia Pora his infamous involvement in the slaughter of Bojaya in 2002, when the FARC launched a gas cylinder bomb against a local church, killing 74 people and wounding 119, who had taken refuge there from attack by narco-terrorists.

In 1986, the Environmental Programme of the United Nations, WWF ally, officially declared that the greatest "threat" to the Darien National Park was that "the U.S. Congress has allocated funds to complete the Pan American Highway through place. "

Imagine what think now the British empire on the part of the Darien Gap Expanded program NAWAPA LaRouche!

THIS COULD GET A up to us ...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Chi Life Time Warentie

evaluate results.

Dear friends,

We have many good things to tell you, try to do in the most clear and simple as possible, so we'll split.

PART 1 .- PP parliamentary group (as parliamentarians pledged at the meeting we had with them on 16 February at the Congress of Deputies) has filed a motion law in Congress Members on the proposals set out in the Platform. A proposition of law is a requirement of the Parliament the Government to intervene in a case. It is very important that the proposition is approved, and unanimously if the better. For Therefore I ask that you address parliamentarians urging them to vote responsibly, and we're talking about human rights, we have already done.


clarifies that "By your post I gather that we have not explained well the non-legislative proposal by our group was discussed at the last Education Committee Wednesday. After the debate and then agree on a compromise amendment was adopted by the rest of the groups unanimously. "

Link to NLP

Link to Charter Members. PART 2 .-

Like all you know, the social and political pact for education was not signed by a lack of political consensus, despite which, the Minister undertook to reach agreements to implement the objectives outlined in the pact. On 25 May in the Education Sector Conference, have taken the first steps. This is the document of the Sector Conference link. Reference to inclusive education are vague and imprecise, especially compared with the Compact document (link) but we can say that in this document, an initial working document, there is a major collection aspirations or requests Platform: that programs of direct investment schools (central government + regions) aimed at children with diversity. And this is what is referred to the extension of PROW plan. With a total budget of 500 million euros.

We turned to the president of CERMI partner organization in the Education Sector Conference, we leave the letter link

PART 3 .- This section may call it Order of Ceuta and Melilla-letter office of the Government.

addition to express our displeasure in writing both the Presidency of the Government and the Cabinet of Minister of Education, as I had counted, Inman received a call from the President's Office, to be interested in knowing what had happened, obviously they were sent back the letter signed by the Chief of Staff of Zapatero.

What steps we have taken in this regard:

· Report to the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament. We write the following post explaining this point. Link. We encourage you to send this complaint, and you also condemn the situation of your children.

· Letter to the Presidents of the Confederation autism Spain, CERMI and FEAPS, reporting the situation and urging them to take legal steps in relation to the Order of Ceuta and Melilla.Enlace

You may ask " me in what influences me the Order of Ceuta and Melilla? Simple: the autonomous communities are engaged in cut and paste, so it is very likely that any autonomous community with something we are equal or very similar.

Regards to all, Eva

Reduello, Inmaculada Cardona, Cuca da Silva, Esther Square.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Aveeno Eczema Skincare Shampoo

More Than This. Exhibition Aldo Chaparro

By Loris Simon Dear Time Magazine:
 I am a Psychology student at Rice University in Houston, TX and I just received this week’s issue with the cover of fetal origins. The photograph impacted me quite significantly. Though I believe it to be very aesthetically pleasing, I don’t think it’s very representative of the message you’re trying to give out. I thought it was an interesting choice of yours to portray the perfect, unattainable pregnant woman to represent all women who might be pregnant one day in their lives and are interested in reading this article. Being a young girl, I do not know much about pregnancy, but I have certainly been around many lucky women whom I have watched since the beginning of their pregnancy until they give birth; and let me tell you this, none of them look like the model you have on the cover there. I think that the majority of women in the world would agree with me on this one. I’m sure there’s no reason why you believe you should be concerned, as you sell millions of magazines a year, but I always loved reading Times Magazine because it was a brief respite from the subliminal messages of superficiality that are inclded in the general media’s perfectionist portrayal of women. It’s upsetting to find this in a magazine whose content is globally recognized as intellectual. Due to the state of education at present, it is evident that girls cannot read between the lines and come to the conclusion that there is a huge gap between the media’s version of reality and reality itself. We all know that young girls aspire, even in unhealthy ways, to be thin, no matter what the costs or consequences are. This is not a matter of being intelligent or not; as human beings, we have the instinctual drive to belong. It is part of our survival mechanism, we are social beings; if we isolate we die. Therefore, I would have assumed it is important to guide the younger crowds exactly where to invest their time and energy in their quest to “belong.” The portrayal of the unattainable as a representation of “normality” is not what I’m paying for when I buy your magazine.  As an artist myself, I understand the importance of beauty and visual attraction, but keep in mind there are billions of girls out there who read your magazine and believe in everything they see and read. If you are not selling sex, clothes, cosmetics or anything that may involve the new posh, underweight beauty, would make a significant difference for you to choose the covers of your magazines in a more thoughtful way? In this same issue you published Aaron Sorking in an interview saying, “I have a hunch we all get told that we’re a loser, and how healthy you are as an adult depends on how much you believed it when you were growing up” (p. 73).  In case you haven’t heard, today, Having a healthy weight Being Considered is a loser. Size 0 is the new size 4 for us ladies. So for the sake of all of us, please do not perpetuate the Oppression and call us losers on the cover of your magazine.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Did Tawnee Stone Die?

Vandalia Water Marathon MARATHON SWIM POSTS 2HS

HURRY! Already a member!?

1 - The 4 th edition of the Marathon "2 HOURS NADO "will be held at the Residents Club swimming Parquefield (Blanqui 2120) from the city of Rosario - Santa Fe, on Saturday, October 30, 2010.

2 - The competition will start at 16 hours, ending at 18 hours, with free pool from 15.15.

3 - For reasons of infrastructure may not participate more than 6 teams and they should be integrated by a number greater than or equal to 20 swimmers.

4 - Each team involved with a swimmer per round, with a minimum of 25 meters.

5 - The Marathon will be audited by CRP
6 - For swimmers, the event will include a shirt, a kit of nutrition, sports drink, raffles, gifts from sponsors and be rewarded at 1, 2 and 3 of the test.

7 - The event is of a competitive nature - recreational and reward the top three of the competition.

8 - will be required to accompany the registration form, liability waiver, signed by the participant, (order via mail or in person at the club)

9 - Registration will be received in person or by mail a: or also by phone: 153-133103 / 154-021331 Nextel: 590 * 2494.

10 - Closing date: Tuesday October 26, 2010, MIRA