LaRouche, Boccaccio, the British Empire and China ...
In an insane column, published in the Daily Telegraph's website on Sunday night, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard warned of a new credit bubble in real estate is about to blow up the world. But he was not talking about Europe or the United States. Instead, he talked about China! Under the headline "Credit Bubble of China on borrowed time as inflation bites" - Evans Pritchard quotes two Inter-Alpha banks, Royal Bank of Scotland and Societe Generale, according to sources about imminent collapse of the property bubble roots of China in Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing and Nanjing. Citing the recent reports issued to clients for two banks, advising customers to take short positions in credit default swaps in China with five-year bonds, Pritchard was the crazy assertion that gobieno of China may soon have problems if not able to "pierce the bubble of credit before inflation reached levels that threaten social stability. "He cited the Société Générale analyst Albert Edwards:" I am convinced that we are witnessing a bubble of epic proportions-breaking catch investors unawares as the bursting of bubbles in Asia in the mid
Lyndon LaRouche said yesterday that it is nothing less than the assault of the Inter-Alpha assault against China, which has been occurring for some time. LaRouche Inter-alpha compared with Samson, tearing down the walls of the temple of the Philistines for everything to go down with him. This is real hard core faction of the British Empire, which is out to blow up the world in the crazy belief that they will survive the Dark Ages to delete 80 percent of the human race. Boccaccio clearly have never read!