Some ask me which is the acuagym? or aquatic fitness?, which are the differences? here I found a very interesting article, hope you like it .....

Some of the reasons for this success may be that combine the benefits of the activities in the aquatic environment such as swimming with the advantages of the disciplines the terrestrial environment, in addition to resolving some of the problems these more traditional methods, because now people who can not swim can also enjoy the benefits of exercise in the water and on the other hand the feeling of weightlessness and reduced weight on the joints and limbs that have place in the water will allow many users, especially seniors and individuals with physical or limited movement, enjoy the practice of gymnastic activities, martial arts, rhythmic and aerobic systems, etc. on land that would be contraindicated.
The major programs of "fitness water" developed at the moment is our country are:
"Cardio-aqua" is based on doing continuous movements in the water combining career and up with other exercises of legs and arms, were mobilized on all major muscle groups, the water level is between the hip and chest. It plays with different rhythms and stride length to work all the muscles of the lower body. The arms also play an important role, are carried back and forth strokes describing different shapes. The main objective is to improve cardiovascular level through aerobic activity.
"aquabuilding" Its main goal is more muscle or muscle toning and is based on the resistance to water exercises and movements which is linked to the execution speed of the exercises and the position of different parts of the body. Addition also used weights and dumbbells of different sizes and weights to achieve this goal.
"aquaboxing" this discipline is a combination of techniques and basic foundation of martial arts, boxing and kickboxing with strength training exercises in the water and accompanied by music and choreography.
"Aquastretching" this discipline is the realization of different exercises designed to improve and develop muscle stretching and joint mobility in the water, ie stretching exercises in the water taking advantage of the qualities of massage the same techniques are used work of both active and passive flexibility and mixed.

"Aquagym" consists of gymnastic activities of the terrestrial environment adapted to the aquatic environment by combining them with activities of the aquatic environment. You can develop vertical and horizontal, with and without auxiliary material within the water or sitting on the curb. The main objective is to improve the physical condition and in many cases is also used for injury recovery.
"aquaerobic" also known as aqua aerobics or aquamusic, is based on the performance of an aerobic exercise accompanied by music, you can say it is the water aerobics but getting transferred to run the exercises with less impact, accommodating and all kinds of people.
continually emerging new trends and disciplines, some of the latest additions to this area of \u200b\u200bwork are the Hip-hop aquatic aquafic, GymSwin, aqua spinning, etc.
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