do not know what to tell you. We move between the perplexity and indignation.
Monday, May 31, 2010
What Is The Remote Cont. Wire On A Kenwood Radio
do not know what to tell you. We move between the perplexity and indignation.
Monday, May 24, 2010
How To Build A Sand Rail Plans
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Home Made Plant Wicks
Rose Mary Salum: You're a virtuoso

So I did not choose the flute. I had a problem with it because I knew I loved music and won a prize very early—at age 13. By the time I realized that I preferred the violin it was too late. But as time passed I started to appreciate the flute because I began transcribing works for other instruments, particularly the violin.
I began to realize how lucky I am to be a flutist after attending and performing at the 2006 National Flute Association Convention in Pittsburgh, where 2000 flutists were in love with the flute. Wow! And I will never forget the way those musicians appreciated my playing. That was a great encouragement to me.
For me the flute is a challenge. The challenge is to try to transform an attraction for this charming and pretty sound into something which moves people. I try to go beyond or behind the sound to find the music, and now I know that the instrument is not of the most importance. The most important issue is what you are able to express with your instrument.
: There's a phrase that caught my attention on your website: “Ferrandis's flute goes to the core, that is, music.” How many people use music instead of viewing it as the end and not a means to something else?
I don’t know how many people are doing this. But I do know that to be onstage you need a big ego. This ego should be used only in the service of the composer, which is not easy. The thing is not to try to be different, but to find our way to play the music the right way. This is different!
Your critics have said that you´ve taken some of your performances to the limits. What ignites this passion of yours? JF:

RS: What is the function or the purpose of transcribing existing repertoire? Do you transform the work into something new? Do you become a creator by doing so?
JF: When I transcribe I just try to be natural as much as possible. A transcription should sound as though the music had been written for the new instrument. It is a tribute to the composer, and I truly love the works I transcribe. They are masterpieces, and they raise my artistic level each time I play. What I want in my life as a musician—as a performer and teacher—is to improve. I always feel like a student.
RS: In your view, what is the state of classical music in France?
JF: This is a difficult question. Everything is made by people. In a sense, music is like cooking: preparing a chili con carne doesn’t guarantee that it will be good. What counts is who makes the chili. So there are some people who deeply love music in France and they are able to promote classical music at a very high level. But to be very honest, the French are not an intrinsically musical people. What has traditionally interested them more are literature, painting, and dance…but not music. So I would say that French people who are gifted for music receive very little support from the national culture, but rather must find a way to develop their talents by themselves.
The Concert by Jean Ferrandis and Mauricio Nader was organized by The General Consulate of Mexico
, The Consulate General of France, Literal, Latin American Voices
and The Department of Modern and Classical Languages at The
University of St Thomas
Saturday, May 8, 2010
2 Dpo Mucus Discharge
What is fear?:

When the phobia develops in relation to an object or situation is called a specific phobia. These can be classified into four groups according to the object fobígeno:
- A animals.
- the environment, heights (vertigo) water, lightning.
- A blood, injections or injury. Situational
- such as indoors, driving, flying, through tunnels, elevators, escalators, etc.
In the case of specific phobias is very difficult to determine the frequency rates because even today people thinking that supports these conditions have no solution or do not deserve to be treated. However, clinical practice indicates that it is a disorder that affects a large percentage of the population.
Although fear is recognized by the subject as irrational, control will escape. Exposure to object causes almost invariably anxiety. In order to avoid anxiety, you see a behavior characterized by avoidance of the feared stimulus or situation.
When there is the perception of danger triggers a series of effects on the person with the phobia, the most important are shown in the table below.

- The subject has received an education hydrophobic, without having an aquatic experience. This is usually due to the adult projects his own fear about the child integrating it into its operating system. In this case, fear is a product of the educational track, the subject performs a ansiogenic irrational thoughts in relation to the aquatic environment.
- The subject has memorized one or more aquatic situations caused by a stressful emotional shock such as the start of a drowning or submersion caused. In this case the fear resulting from trauma experienced by inappropriate teaching practices. This can lead to the contact of a subject with water, or the mere thought of this contact causes reminiscent disturbs their emotional homeostasis (internal self-regulatory mechanism of the body). The alteration of the subject from its environment alters or destroys the processes by which acquires information about this environment and made with the aim to adjust their behavior.
This type of therapy has demonstrated a high rate of effectiveness in the treatment of phobias especiíficas.Expuesta pioneered by Joseph Wolpe in South Africa a decade of 50, is to desensitize the patient of the stimulus that causes the phobia. To do so exposes the patient to physically phobic object in a controlled, gradual and progressive, teaching the patient to lose their fear. The patient will have total control over such techniques is accompanied exposición.Generalmente control of anxiety and / or eagerly.
is a technique similar to the previous one, with the difference that is not used directly or natural exposure to the phobia, but it is imaginary.
Cognitive therapy is a process which tries to solve the problem based on experiences phobic learning or reeducation of the patient thought to act in a more realistic eliminating false beliefs. The patient, with the help and collaboration of the therapist, learn to identify and modify thoughts and ideas that do suffer.

These are some of the treatments most widely known and tested in the treatment of simple phobias. It should be borne in mind however, that these disorders may come associated with other problems, which also require an approach in the context of an integrated and properly articulated. The treatment, in fact, it is not the phobia, but the person who has it in conjunction, of course, with demand usually develop treatments efectúa.Los individually, although some occasionally, depending on the case and time is indicated the treatment group, or participation of a companion. Treatments usually last between three and six meses.No there so far proven treatment with drugs for specific phobias, but sometimes certain medications may be prescribed to help reduce anxiety symptoms before the person is faced with a phobic situation.
However, you can not, nor should self-diagnose. Only a skilled health professional is able to do so with rigor and fiabilidad.Cuando a person is worried about his health and normality is usually identified with symptoms or diseases not have, or be confused with other posibles.Si doubt check first with their general practitioner or family, he will guide you in this regard.
sources: i-swimming
Friday, May 7, 2010
Hamster Pregnant From Pet Shop
En estos días tuve la oportunidad to interview one of the most important living artists of this century. He is young, does not exceed 45 years and is one of the richest people in the UK. But it's not your bank account which left me so impressed, but a series of coincidences that did not go unnoticed, a few months ago, I came to all my fellow Facebook with whom I studied primary and secondary recall is live, I have repeated each and every one of them without fail and that repetition is simply a way of expressing that memories have occurred suddenly and in one fell swoop for all. This ebb and flow of memories, one of my classmates that I was in my art room, announced that Damien Hirst visiting Mexico to inaugurate the exhibition that premiered in mid-April. I contacted her immediately, I explained that the press quotes came from London but after a few days, I was told the date on which the conversation would take place. Little or no knowledge of Damien, his fame was inevitable, his shark in formaldehyde continues to cause comments and that is the most quoted living artist in history is not new. However, what does it took me by surprise was the ease and intelligence with which he presents, but more importantly, meet with a person centered. When you talk to him, the connection between your thinking, saying and doing are deeply connected to your creative center, what makes one understand that their poses and faces are just a pantomime. What is below this image of eccentricity is an artist who coordinates perfectly trust between their ideas and their own acceptance of them. It seems that it did not develop violent battles between critical consciousness and creativity. It expresses everything peacefully and with some privacy. And as I observe, says that an artist naturalization must believe in your art because only thus can make others believe in him.