The most famous environmental organization receives donations of big world oil magnates, automotive and media. The most striking case is that of the Rockefeller
-shareholders and founders of oil as Exxon Mobil.
The Greenpeace Foundation has funded more than a million dollars.
some sources:
The U.S. government used false information to defend their ecological model
Greenpeace organized a campaign against critics ...
by: Manuel Llamas
Greenpeace, the environmental organization's most famous and possibly the world's powerful is financed through voluntary contributions made annually donors. Pray according to its statutes, in order to "maintain total independence, Greenpeace does not accept money from companies, governments or political parties.
We take this very seriously, and monitor and refund checks when they come from a corporate account. We depend on donations from our supporters to carry out our non-violent campaigns to protect the environment. "
However, that slogan does not include the generous donations that usually receives from major foundations and nonprofit organizations which, interestingly, belong to large families linked to oil magnates, banking, media and even the Automotive.
How is it possible? Is the ultimate environmental NGO funded with money generated by some of the most polluting production sectors of the planet? A diving in the opaque depth accounts of this organization reveals great secrets and, above all, many surprises.
Greenpeace has many subsidiaries all over the world, but one of the most powerful and influential worldwide is undoubtedly located in the U.S. headquarters. The franchise has four faces Greenpeace: Greenpeace Foundation, Inc. Greenpeace Fund, Inc. and Greenpeace Greenpeace Vision Inc..
Activist Cash project created by Center for Consumer Freedom, a major U.S. consumer organization, "reveals some of the most controversial funding sources ecolojeta this group.
The project began with the idea of \u200b\u200bproviding information about the profile and economic resources of the groups anticonsummerist. And how could it be otherwise, that entity an exclusive section dedicated to Greenpeace. According Activist Cash, Greenpeace has received significant donations from the following foundations, as revealed by the following graph:

these contributions and the result is as follows.
cash flow from franchise-based Greenpeace USA is constant. U.S. legislation requires an annual declaration of taxes such bodies listed in
income and expenses.
annual information tax from foreign subsidiaries located in the so-called IRS Form 990 (Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax). In these official documents are detailed some of these grants over the past years.
Rockefeller Brother's Foundation: $ 1.15 million
From 2000 to 2008, Rockefeller Family Foundation has funded Greenpeace 1.15 billion. Rockefeller's fortune comes from oil business.

John D.
However, the U.S. government charged the company a monopoly and ordered its division into 34 companies, but the Rockefellers maintain a presence in them.
The most famous is now, Exxon Mobil Corporation, one of the largest oil companies in the world. The descendants of John D. Rockefeller are shareholders of Exxon Mobil. Although minority still have an important influence and weight in the company. The Rockefellers also have a presence in big banks like JP Morgan Chase & Co (Chase Manhattan Bank) or City Bank, which, in turn, hold stakes in international oil majors.
Marisla Foundation: $ 460,000
This foundation is also known under the label of Homeland Foundation. It was founded in 1986 by the Getty family strong. J. Paul founded Getty Oil Getty Oil, now owned by Russia's Lukoil.

Turner Foundation was created by Robert Edward Turner in 1990. Ted Turner is one of the great media moguls in the U.S., owner of well known television stations such as CNN, TNT and AOL Time Warner, among others. His contribution to Greenpeace, $ 450,000 in just three years.

was the father of the third industry group increased production of cars from around the world: General Motors. Before filing bankruptcy, in June 2009 - This group produced its vehicles under brands such as low-pollution paradigmatic Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, GM Daewoo, Holden, Opel, Vauxhall and the famous Hummer.

Ultimately, it is surprising that one of the most active environmental organizations against the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere succulent accept sums of money from some of the premier automotive oil sector and to worldwide. Especially if one considers that large flag Greenpeace campaigns accusing the skeptics of climate change to receive money from the oil sector and large industrial companies.
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