Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Naruto Manga Doujin Fakku
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sand Buggy Blueprints
Learn NAWAPA: MIND OR BODY? from TRUKINY on Vimeo .
Mr. Gabriel del Mazo
The Chamber of Deputies
Gabriel del Mazo
Mr. President,
1 º-Regional Conference of the Countries of silver, held in Montevideo in early 1941, decided to recommend to the States represented to continue and coordinate, through technical committees mixed, existing studies on the possible connection of the three major river systems of South America: La Plata, the Amazon and Orinoco. The resolution was proposed by the delegation of Argentina, taking into account the extraordinary importance of the Plata river system and also considering the development of the continent is to require pairing of this system to the other two basins. This is a great new way to enable the transit of people and goods, multiplying the human ties and opening the prospect of new centers of consumption and raw material processing. The idea takes into account the enormous wealth and continental still the undisputed importance of the South American network of natural channels. The chairman of the delegation of Argentina at this conference meant the benefits of communication and the civilizing of our great river, the protagonist of geographical and historical links between Asuncion, Buenos Aires and Montevideo, some of whose tributaries flow down from the mountain region Bolivia and others even further away from us into contact with the heart land of Brazil. Thus, the president of the Brazilian delegation meant, elaborating on reasons for economic solidarity of these countries should not be in the theoretical doctrines, of which corresponded to address accomplishments as recommended by the conference, which not only recognized the existence economic systems such as the Plata and Amazon, but sought to provide solutions to deepen the doctrines platenses solidarity. (Foreign Report, Volume I, 1941, and Countries Regional Conference del Plata, Final Act. 27/Febrero January 6, 1941. Montevideo, printing Florensa.)
The III Argentine Congress of Engineering, held in Cordoba from 4 to July 16, 1942 recommended, on the other hand, compliance with the aforementioned resolution, establishing its importance to commercial and industrial future of South America . ("Engineering", organ of the Argentine Center of Engineers, July 1942).
2 - From the works of William Chandless (Notes, Rio de Janeiro, 1868, and Resumo do itinerary gives Descida do Tapajoz in Outubro, 1854), geographers and explorers examined the possibility of union waterway between the Amazon and La Plata for their respective tributaries, the Tapajoz and Paraguay, as well as from the work around 1800 in Humboldt, who studied the Orinoco Bonpland and later Michelena y Rojas , Schomburg in the discovery of the bridges and Chaffaujón the accuracy of the route of this great river view or expectation was the possibility of unifying waterway between the Orinoco and Amazon.
Although by virtue of these studies and the later is involved the prospect of a visible communication between the three major continental basins, no, you know, the noted and recommendations made until 1909, when a Uruguayan geographer, published a book , referring to what he calls "the future great trade route in South America" \u200b\u200b(Cincinnatus Luis Bollo, South America, past and present. New York, 1919). This book points out the desirability to join the River Plate to the Panama Canal, through the channel of the Parana, Paraguay, Tapajoz, the Amazon, the Orinoco River and Black. The last part of the route would be saved by arranging the navigability of the Meta Guaiare or a railway to pass through Bogota. The author calculated the distance by establishing that the communication would be important to all lower than projected by the British to the interior of Africa to join the Cape through the Congo and then the Nile, Cairo.
At that time was not considered, as happened in recent years, the possibility of a canal through the territory of Colombia, an issue in the days that are strongly updates. ("The Nation" July 31, 1948). In 1939 the problem of this communication to the south of the Panama Canal, building the mighty Colombian Atrato River, was the subject of this National Congress Republic. The Atrato check the water in the Gulf of Urabá over the Atlantic and may be linked to several major rivers that empty into the Pacific. A tradition of explorers and geographers from Humboldt and Codazzi to inmates, including engineers and Traulwine, devised , studied and projected solutions to the inter-oceanic pipeline. They thought of a channel, developed in its entirety within the large triangle continental southern hemisphere, would be also strategically defensible as they are not that of Tehuantepec, Nicaragua or Panama thereof. (Roberto Luis Restrepo.Consideraciones on a canal on Colombian territory, Bogotá, 1939).
This defensive standpoint, as a utility that attends to the other advantages is similar to that which took account of Russia, whose maritime trade is constrained to go long distances and pass through ports that do not belong to Russia. In this vast country, continent, also become important channels dug into the bed of its great rivers, one of whose networks can join the North Sea and South, ie the two European waterfronts. During the last war, this system could be used sparingly because it was not full at the time of blast, with the exception of the Baltic Canal White Sea. But other than that communication with the Arctic and were projected using the Volga or Leningrad Kuma to join the Caspian and Black with Caspian and the Volga-Don, Russia continued its plan of large central canal, crossing its territory has to unite the Baltic to the Black Sea via the Dnieper and the Dvina, the work of similar category for its deployment bold, to the great South American channel to which we refer.
3 º Not just for the Tapajoz but Madeira is viable for the communication of the Amazon and La Plata, through the Paraguay and Parana.
Just two or three miles east of the Upper Paraguay River Basin supply source of the river Black (Preto) western tributary Arinos (Tapajoz). Eight leagues of the river far Cuyabá and only twelve miles between navigable points and Arinos Preto (the sources of both far only nine). In this area, therefore, where beat and flow the sources of the Amazon and Plata. In losApontamentos or Geographical Dictionary of Brazil, Alfredo Pinto Moreira (Rio de Janeiro, National Press, 1889, Volume III) contains a reference to an account of the owner of a plantation of Estiva (Estiva River, a tributary of Arinos), who states that eventually joined the Amazon and Plata, because "it was proposed to water your garden" and dug a channel between two of its tributaries originate.
But as we said, there is also the east side of the bond mentioned, another possible link to the two extraordinary river systems along the river Madeira, both with regard to this waterway treaties governing trade, exporting and importing between Bolivia and Brazil. Communication is established by the rivers Mamore and Beni Guaporé, and the junction with the Paraguay River would end by Alegre, Aguapey and Jaurú. Sea
either chosen path, that of Tapajoz or the Madeira, are so favorable general conditions of navigability of the rivers without diminishing the integrative approach works, it would suffice to save with side pipes and sliding areas dig into the ground short channels in the final links to the Plata and Amazon remain linked by a path to the fullest extent practicable and appropriate vessels draft. The aforementioned
Argentine Congress of Engineering were presented approximate longitudinal profiles of the two path. The first passes through Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina, following the rivers Tapajoz, Juruena, Diamond, Paraguay, Parana, Silver, with about 7000 miles. The second would pass through Brazil, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina (¿??),, following the Amazon, Madeira, Mamore, Guaporé, Alegre, Aguapey, Jaurú, Paraguay, Parana, Plata, with around 8500 km ( Ernesto Baldasarri engineer, linking the Amazon and Plata, a magazine "Engineering", organ of the Argentine Center of Engineers, May 1942, pages 285-293.) The author states: "address this problem by an aspiration condensed in study or publication has been made on the matter. In all point to its great importance for the continent's future. Indisputable need for an economic link to arbitrate and improve living and working conditions in those regions of South America. "
4 - At the same time, northern South America highlighted Chaffaujon work, and quoted, hydraulic communication between the Orinoco and Amazon through the Casiquiare. Don Alfredo Jahn, famous geographer in Venezuela submitted to the Geographical Society of Bolivia for his remarkable memory: Contributions to the hydrography of the Orinoco River and Black (Caracas, 1909). Recently in the Journal of Engineering Center of Venezuela, Pedro Ezequiel Rojas published a report on river navigation between Venezuela y Brasil, Caracas 1941, trabajo presentado al I Congreso Venezolano de Ingeniería. La vía de unión escogida por este proyecto es la siguiente: Orinoco, río Guairúa, río Negro, río Amazonas. La verdadera llave de la comunicación esta en el Casiquiare, canal natural que comunica el Orinoco con el Negro. Esta comunicación se hace por dos vías: una formada por los Mé e Iconorochito y otra por los Pacimoni, Baria, “canal” Matiraca y río Canabury. Por la segunda de estas rutas pueden también pasar embarcaciones, aunque de menor porte. Con todo, según aquella memoria, habría una mejor solución, consistente en construir un canal de sólo veinticinco kilómetros ligand field will cut the two main currents. The author is primarily concerned with the advocacy role of production and trade of this work to be constructed through an enormous wealth of agricultural and mineral producers for easy placement in large industrial countries, with corresponding benefits of equalization payments . The particular geographical
the great basin of the Orinoco and Black, can be studied in the classic Geography of Venezuela, the disciple of Humboldt, Agustín Codazzi (description of Venezuela in 1841), whose work is now reprinting, in three volumes, the Ministry of Education (Caracas, 1940). The Orinoco system, reminiscent of the silver in their economic and political role. Thus the territorial unity between Colombia and Venezuela is divided by tributaries of that great river father. Almost the entire life of the Colombian plains, yet largely unexplored, is dumped by Guariare and the Meta and Orinoco Rivers and these soon reached the Atlantic, through Venezuelan territory through these dilated and rich counties. Living conditions in those countries and the interests that flow from it, respond increasingly unifying influence of the Orinoco to operate under the constant attraction of the mouths of the delta. (Carlos Badia Balagrida, The geographical factor in South American politics, Madrid, 1946). Venezuelan writer Dr. Manuel Díaz Rodríguez, on the occasion of the centenary of Angostura (now Ciudad Bolivar, located near the sea mouth of the great river), expressed this bold thinking on Venezuela's national formation "because our civilization has not developed around valley of Caracas, but the banks of the Orinoco. "
5 - It is clear that the approach to the issue of the Grand Canal simultaneously involve the problem of interconnection, through the corresponding internal ports with railways and roadside continental system and tributaries with natural or artificial channels, the latter has traditionally been identified but not met (see the studies of the engineer Luis A. Huerta, at the beginning of the century). From every point of view, the international technical organization in place for the continuation of the inter-American roads and railways, is the most valuable lesson to be consulted in all South American venture inland channel whose axis would be devised. The proceedings of III and IV International Road Congress, held in Santiago de Chile (1939) and Mexico (1941), respectively, and those belonging to the railway conference of that nature, particularly the V, held in Montevideo (1946), are large outlines of the issues raised, largely unresolved, issues that have all have important similarities to those that correspond to the topic at hand. In those events fit the delegations of Argentine engineers, brilliant and effective contributions. 6 º-
The map of "physiographic provinces" South American, Jones (Cl. F. Jones, Economical Geography: Agricultural regions of South America, Worcester, 1928), can be seen how the proposed canal, especially the taking the path of the river Madeira, skirt the huge South American central plains, from the plains of the Orinoco to the plains Argentine Pampas through Amazon depression mapora plains and the Gran Chaco. Consequently would set an artery multi-link with the eastern Brazilian highlands to the east, the highlands of Guiana in the north and the system of the Andes from Peru and Bolivia to the mountains of Merida in Venezuela without the link of the Paraguay, Parana and Uruguay, for the Republics of Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay.
This vast and rich landscape contains within it an embryo to a civilizing process of centuries. You can be the scene of a revolutionary transformation of human life and power native of southern America, achieved by the prolific methods of solidarity.
So the technical committees of statesmen who are appointed by the countries of the South American tour of the Grand Canal, would have as its core mission, not just the lifting of a full letter of the river basins and areas connectable, with paths and plans for additional work on the long road of water, but also the study of natural resources and human values. So economic plans would bring commercial and industrial programs splicing correlates with railways and highways, and settlement, health and culturalization. In addition, cost estimates and methods of delivery, with the many related problems, legal, political, financial and scientific.
I believe that in a few years of serious and intensive work, the committees are well equipped, can reach an enlightened and planning firm, to the world model of a fruitful peace purpose. We must articulate the continental geography to the life of our countries, as a consistent unit, objectified both physical progress as in the consciousness of the brotherhood that their peoples are natural and historically.
Gabriel del Mazo.
INTRODUCTORA.-A Bibliography. von Humboldt: Travel to the equatorial regions of the New World. (There is a recent redición Ministry of Education of Venezuela); Marbut and Manifold: Topography of the Amazon, in Geographical Revive, New York, 1853. Directorate of Press and Propaganda: Riches of the Amazon, Lima, 1944, P. Le Cointe L'Amazonia Brasilienne (Le pays, ses habitants, ses resources), Paris, 1922, 2 volumes; United Status Department of biting: Rubber production in the Amazon ValleyWashington, 1925; AG Ogilvie, Geography of the central Andes, American Geographical Society, New York, 1922; Seimour E. Harris: Economic Problems of Latin America. (Harvard University), Mexico 1945, American Geographical Society: Map of Hispanic American (millionth), New York, 1931; Alcides D'Orbignys: Description of Bolivia, Paris, 1845, and Fragments from a trip to South America, Buenos Aires, Gabriel René Moreno. Library collection Bolivian Moxos and Chiquitos, Santiago de Chile, Manuel Vicente Ballivián; Moxos provinces and Chiquitos, La Paz, 1903, and project communication Chiquitos the river Paraguay. La Paz, 1902, Jose Aguirre Acha: From the Andes to the Amazon, La Paz, 1927, Charles Wiener, Perou et Bolivia, Berlin 1886, Chaves Medrado: El Dorado Bolivia, La Paz, 1931; Daniel Campos: From Tarija to Asuncion Buenos Aires (Circa 1892): Edwin R. Herat (on the tree, Mamore and Madre de Dios), Journal of the American Geographical Society of New York, volume 14, 1882, Antonio Vázquez de Espinosa, Compendium and Description of the West Indies, Malaga, 1624 (latest edition: Smithsonian Institution, Washington, 1948).
- To the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Worship
Purge Dip System Underground Tank
Dear friends,
Following the August 30 published in the newspaper Malaga Hoy, "the cryptic autism well," the group "Against the Myths of Autism" has drafted a letter to be sent mass email response mode. Link to
The aim is to make ourselves visible, demonstrate our disagreement with items such as dramatic and lurid headlines, which does not do any favors to the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial inclusion and education of our children, giving them the only option for the exclusion and detention in specific schools and residences.
We ask your help, I can well prepare yourself a personal letter, or use this has been done to copy and paste into the email you send.
just have to copy the letter, and add at the end of your data and ID.
The more letters the newspaper receives, the more visibility we have and maybe get it published as a Letter to the Editor, or arising do another article that better reflects our view of autism, PDD, ASD.
The email addresses that must be addressed are:
This is the letter to the newspaper Malaga Hoy.
We have prepared another letter to go to the CERMI, CONFEDERATION Autism and Autism MALAGA SPAIN,
The sending emails to those who are:
this is the mailbox of the Confederation autism Spain http://www.autismo.org.es/ae/contactar
this is the mailbox Málaga
Autism http://www. autismomalaga.org / index.php? section = solicitar_informacion
This is the letter
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Lots Of Cream Coloured Cervical Mucus
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
How To Load Crossman 760
for Small Dennis Small and Gretchen
This article was originally published in EIR magazine's March 5 this year.
professional magicians are old, maybe older. The common definition in the dictionary of a magician is someone with "the ability of producing illusions by sleight or deceptive devices." Shakespeare was more to the point. For him, a magician was an impostor, a cheat.
The magician confuses his intended victim convincing that what dictates their sensory perception, no matter how crazy it is real. Here's "The Alchemist" (1558) by Peter Bruegel the Elder. |
In politics, is a deadly skill he honed as the Venetian oligarchy program, you will recall, perhaps with a shudder, readers of The Visionary of Frederick Schiller Bravo of James Fenimore Cooper. The intent of the Venetian magicians is to mistake their alleged victims convincing them that what they are told their sensory perceptions, no matter how ridiculous it is real. As such, it is only an extreme form of empiricism and Benthamite utilitarianism or Aristotelian that pervades modern society, and promoted in almost all universities in the world today.
The victim of such sleight Venetian suffer tremendous pressure to renounce their opinion better informed about what they "see." But to be successful, the wizard requires that the victim is willing to abandon their unbelief, so that, at some level, accept the ridicule.
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As indicated by the carry trade of Brazil, which is not always what you get: Take for example, cites the case of the soccer star with what he believed were three young women. It turned out they were transvestites, including the famous Andreia Albertini, pictured, who tried to extort money.
And of course, any successful magician knows that you also have to place one or two accomplices in the audience chosen as a target to argue loudly for all to hear: "Look! Look! If it is true The Moon is made of green cheese! I can see with my own eyes! "
Take the case of the European Union and its monetary system based on the euro. Is completely broken, with a breakdown in process-centered, not in Greece, as are so fond of lying international media, but also in Spain and the United Kingdom, where the Banco Santander of Spain plays a special role. For the gullible, until recently has remained the magical illusion of financial solvency in the region with the real estate bubble inflated (most prominently in Spain and the UK), and in particular with the carry trade of Brazil, a trácala financial pyramid style for decades, has led to financial speculators to 25% return on their capital, plundering the people and the nation of Brazil to marrow.
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The role of "master magician" in Brazil has been the House of Rothschild for over 200 years. Lord Jacob oversees trácala giant pyramid style, known as the carry trade of Brazil, while his son Nat, working with the group angloveneciano Brasilinvest, a pioneer in the privatization of the Brazilian economy. |
In this case, the role of the master magician has the House of Rothschild, as it has been for over 200 years in Brazil. And among their dupes are selected strategically significant nations of Russia, China and India, the very countries that Lyndon LaRouche has identified as the necessary combination of power, along with a U.S. return to the guidelines of Franklin Roosevelt, to establish an alliance of the Four Powers to replace the broken financial system of the British Empire with a new international credit system aimed at encouraging the development of advanced technology.
In this case, the magician's sleight-called BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China), hollow shell of an illusion whose sole purpose is to derail the proposal of the Four Powers of LaRouche, convincing these countries that States united and are heading for your buck and destruction prevail Euro British system, with support from the carry trade in Brazil. As LaRouche said in a comment on February 16:
"For example, Russia. There is now a faction in Russia revolves around people like Chubais and Gorbachev and other Soviet traitors who are the leaders of a group argues that not only controls the political life of Russia, but it claims to control the so-called Group of Four [BRIC, which was established some years ago. Now that group is based largely on the assumption that the carry trade in Brazil represents real money. Not so. The carry trade is based on nothing, essentially nothing. And now carry trade collapses. The current international financial system is a dead horse. "
When you look at the carry trade of Brazil, as we will in some detail, then it springs to mind the much publicized incident involving another famous Brazilian institution The soccer star, Ronaldo, who in April 2008, was mixed in a sex scandal. It seems that Ronaldo, after dropping off his girlfriend at his home in Rio de Janeiro, he got up three prostitutes. But when recorded in a motel, Ronaldo discovered that the three girls were actually three types. Ronaldo later told police that the three transvestites tried to extort money, starting with Andreia Albertine, also known as Andre Luiz Albertino Riveiro.
So, what you see is not always what you get, a fact both in the physical universe as a politician you better take into account Russia, China and India, lest they be deceived and misled Ronaldo. The carry trade of Brazil, as well as "Andreia" is not what it seems.
'The financial system is a corpse'
February 16, LaRouche summarized as follows the global financial situation:
"You have to recognize that the international financial bubble, which dominates the world today is nominally a British bubble and is represented by this group we are discussing, in fact, Lord Rothschild is the key figure in this group. And the nature of the situation is much more severe than is recognized in the media. "
" The largest amount of nominal wealth in the world is based on various bankruptcies, show the goods of others as their own and it is very difficult to find real assets in the entire collection.
"A typical case, of course, is Banco Santander. Is totally bankrupt. What has happened is that some people are registering as assets the debts of other people! There is no net wealth. All this thing is broke! Nobody has the assets, real assets, other people are claiming as their assets. So, we have a situation where the mass of actual transactions related to production, or property as such, have contracted to be a small percentage of the total nominal wealth.
"The total nominal wealth are compensations , or people who lend money that is not yours, other people, and side to side. So that if you really try to reconcile these claims and find the real assets that support them, they will realize that there is nothing ".
" Now, this has led to the entire global system to a crisis of disintegration. At any time, just the trigger needed, it could collapse the whole damned system. The entire international financial system is collapsing. And especially that which is called as British, British-controlled. "
LaRouche went on to explain the role of the carry trade of Brazil in this scam:
" The carry trade is based on nothing, essentially into nothingness. And now it is collapsing the carry trade. The current international financial system is now a dead horse. The moment someone stops believing in the carry trade, in that moment everything is going to come down in a chain reaction. It is nothing but the desire of foolish to believe that the body is not dead, preventing the body is carried.
LaRouche concluded: "Look at it from a physical perspective. Today the world is not producing enough goods to sustain the population and the world economy today. The amount covers the actual value, productive value, is shrinking, while the debt grows at a rate of inflation, to cover the notes that are out there covering new loans, which were used to cover debts old ".
The European house of cards
The international media vehemently deny this simple truth that describes LaRouche stuck in the charade of pretending that what is affecting the euro zone is just a payments crisis "Greek."
Even a cursory glance of the books of the debt of countries that the British media like to call the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain) shows that Greece is less than 10% of total debt the public and private PIIGS, which is the staggering figure of $ 3.400 billion. None of these countries can pay the debts the banks have them embedded, or Greece, and Ireland ($ 710 billion) and Spain certainly not broken ($ 944 billion). And the UK itself probably bankruptcy is more than all of them together, with a huge real estate bubble and a collapsing industrial base. As reported by the London newspaper The Guardian February 18: "The relatively high deficit of Britain, its slow growth rate and high inflation have led some to speculate whether this could be the next country to alarm global markets. "
But the official debt is not important. The real bubble is exploding now, as LaRouche has repeatedly explained, is the bubble financial derivatives.
February 14, the newspaper The New York Times published an article where essentially reinvented the wheel-which, incidentally, opposed editorially there in the Stone Age, just as they were against the introduction of electricity and aviation-to "discover" that Goldman Sachs and other financial predators had piled a mountain of derivatives bets on Greece, papering their debts due to additional commitments, an order of magnitude greater than the debt that was already erupting. Much of the world press pontificated feigning surprise, and acted like it was a kind of new revelation.
But exactly the same stealth-and worst-is happening now to cover the total collapse of the economies of Spain and Britain. As pointed out in the EIR of 19 February 2010 ( "The 'Santander Syndrome': London unsuspecting game" ), Banco Santander and its ally London Grosvenor Properties (which manages the Queen's cousin , 6th Duke of Westminster Gerald Grosvenor), had manufactured a new kind of urgency derived properties in mid-2000 to cover up the collapse of the mortgage market worldwide. When these instruments introduced in Spain in 2008, his intention was "to inspire investors for them to use property swaps to help offset the possible losses from the sharp correction in prices for residential and commercial properties in Spain and the UK "[mentees swaps are a kind of insurance on losses, disguised as investment securities].
This is what has been happening over the past five years, at least in Europe, in quantities is not possible for someone to quantify, but certainly are an order of magnitude larger than the bubble of debt per se. So if only PIIGS debt of $ 3.4 trillion [yes, 3.4 million million dollars!], is priceless, the bubble in derivatives is beyond all limits. But London requires austerity and human sacrifices to keep it working trácala pyramid.
Brazil, carried by the carry trade
And what is the source of nominal cash flow that keeps the illusion of the magician? The carry trade in Brazil.
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Brazil's President Lula da Silva has been a plaything of the British magicians in his seven years in office. Under their rule, Brazil has paid a staggering $ 870.000 billion in interest on the carry trade, and has sunk to the Brazilians in poverty economic, as seen in this photo of street children. |
In recent years, international banks such as Santander led by London, borrowed hundreds of billions of dollars from the European Central Bank at an interest rate of 1%, or U.S. Federal Reserve a similarly low rates. After "hauled" the funds to places like Brazil, where placed in government bonds denominated in Reais (local currency), with performance in higher interest rates in the world: an average of 16% per year in the seven years that Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has been president (from 2003 to date). Product this, the total interest that Brazil has paid in the decade since 2000, the local and international investors, is a staggering 1,564 billion reais ($ 870.000 billion at the current exchange rate), almost triple the original debt of 563.000 billion reais in 2000 (see Graph No.1).
Table 1 real gain in public debt of Brazil
Source: Central Bank of Brazil |
How the hell could continue making these payments Brasil ? In large part, attracting more capital to invest in more bonds, thus sinking more into debt, the typical trácala of the pyramid. This product, Brazil's public debt rose from 563.000 billion reais in 2000 to 1,345 billion reais in 2009, 782.000 billion reais more in new debt. Indeed, these new loans covered exactly half of the 1,564 billion in interest payments that were made. The other half came from the depths of the Brazilian population (population 190 million), whose consumption is drastically reduced in order to export goods to earn foreign exchange with which to pay the debt.
Brazil How could such volumes continue to attract foreign capital? In part, offering exorbitant interest rates. But also ensuring the assessment, or reassessment of the real against the dollar, which assured the foreign speculators an extra margin in their accounts. In fact, the real has appreciated each year Lula's presidency, with the exception of 2008, when it hit the financial meltdown. Proceeds from this, the real average profit rate for the run of foreign funds with Lula, is a staggering 24% per year (Figure 1). Under the watchful eye of seven years of service to London, we have plundered the people and the Brazilian economy the equivalent of $ 859.000 million (approximately $ 123.000 billion a year.)
But as with all trácalas pyramids and the like, in the moment that upward flows are stopped at that point will collapse the whole house of cards, and will be revealed that the illusion the illusionist is nothing more than smoke and mirrors, and genocide.
Meet the Magi: The House of Rothschild
Crouching on top of the carry trade profit in Brazil, is the banking house which has been the main bank of the British Empire since the days of Napoleon, the Rothschild House. No more than scratch a little at a Rothschild operation in Brazil and find the operation "BRIC" of the British Empire, spreading to Brazil and its star distraction maneuver to destroy Russia, China and India.
LaRouche: most of the Brazilian population are virtual slaves
In discussion with colleagues on 16 February 2010, Lyndon LaRouche made the following comment :
The problem you have today is that people do not have a sense of unlimited nature of human individual creativity. There go all those poor lazy, wandering, thinking that they are educated and have no creativity.
It's like a parade of coffins in Brazil. They call it "carry trade." We bring to you when finished. There is no purpose in life. Or the typical Brazilian, Brazilian poor, it is doomed to be nothing more than a laborer, who has no purpose in life, except for carrying bricks to the master. Most of the Brazilian population are virtual slaves. A country that kept blacks from slavery until about 1880.
And some people say, is a great country. Yes, it is very large, some important assets, but treatment to its population is not highly recommended. Look at the streets of Rio de Janeiro.
Look at the streets of other major cities. What do you see? Kids out there, young children with knives of all kinds, pieces of glass, stealing and killing. Young children, such as lobster. And prey on the streets. In certain areas you do not dare to take to the streets without some protection, even in the so-called hotel district. One does not dare to go to these places. It's a nightmare. Is that a country?
And on what basis? It is based on a privileged group, who sit as tyrants over a population without any sense of creativity, no sense that these people are human, and humanity lies in the creative potential they have, if developed, that have unlimited human existence in a limitless universe .
What can you say about these people, who do not have this sense? They are immoral! That's the problem here. We are in a society where people do not have a sense of their right to life.
The Rothschilds and Brazil have such a deep that the web page of the Archives of the family Rothschild features a page on Brazil, the only nation to receive this honor. They boast that "the links between NM Rothschild & Sons and the Brazilian nation back to the very founding of the bank" in the first decade of the 19. Brazil declared independence from Portugal in 1822 but became a republic, was governed as an empire until 1889. Throughout this process, NM Rothschild was the banker "preeminent" in Brazil, an empire based on the subjection of slaves until 1888, one year before the empire finally fell.
Among the ranks of those who led the foundation of the republic were promoters of the American System of Political Economy, Alexander Hamilton, but soon stepped aside for them and their plans to industrialize Brazil. As has coldly Rothschild Archive: Although the declaration of a republic in 1889 came as a surprise to the Rothschild, "is quickly adjusted to the situation ... The new republican government maintained its debt obligations with Rothschild, who remained the European bankers Brazilian government "helping" to create the new central bank Banco do Brasil and the state.
Moving in time to the current decade, in the second round of presidential elections in 2002, became capital flight in the country, fueled by the fear that a Lula government would lead to chaos Jacobin, or even a break with the banks. Heightened fears of London, the visit of Lyndon and Helga LaRouche in Brazil in June 2002, where Mr. LaRouche received the title of honorary citizen of the city of Sao Paulo, where he made it clear to a large audience high level the need to break with the global financial system into bankruptcy (see below).
London also deployed large for Brazil. Banco Santander declined to open credit lines to Brazil, and Mario Garnero, Sao Paulo businessman who Jacob Rothschil Lord calls "my fourth child", organized a tour of U.S. key figures in Lula's campaign, organizing meetings on Wall Street and the Bush White House Jr.
Message delivered: Lula is "ours."
'Man of the Year'
What is meant by "our"? Garnero has operated since 1975, from the company he founded and still directs, Brasilinvest Group, which pioneered privatization and globalization of the Brazilian economy. Brasilinvest, which presents itself as the first "banque d'affairs or 'merchant bank' classic 'in Brazilian history, brings the scum that has risen to the top of anglovenecianas finances with shareholders and board members including the son of Jacob Rothschild, Nat, Banco Santander, the infamous HSBC, heir to the Opium War , the world's oldest bank, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena in Italy, the Agnelli family of Fiat, Carlo De Benedetti, associated with Soros and chairman of the Companie Industriali Riunite (CIR) and Generale Bank of Belgium, its legacy of horror in the Belgian Congo.
servile A report in the Brazilian magazine Isto of May 26, 2004, describes the imperial trappings and discussions that took place in the annual three-day meeting International Council Brasilinvest who had just held in London, under the direction of the very old Jacob Rothschild, and having as guest speaker George HW Bush. It was there where Garnero Rothschild termed "my fourth child, and that's where Prince Andrew of Great Britain announced that the Brazilians were going to have" a strategic role in the new context of international trade relations, serving as Garnero an informal ambassador to the United Kingdom. Garnero Andrew praised as an example of "how Brazil could lead the closer trade relations between the West and the new Eastern markets." Participants
in the bomb plot in London, and still occupy a place on the board of Brasilinvest, two businessmen who are also key to the operation BRIC de Rothschild: the king of Russian aluminum and friend of Nat Rothschild, Oleg Deripaska, the billionaire property Chinese roots and entrepreneur David Tang of DWC Tang Development.
Rothschild agent, Ganer, that first introduced him to Lula to Deripaska. And before the first official trip to China as president Lula, Garnero brought the director of government investment fund of China, CITIC, to meet in Brasilia with President Lula, seven ministers and other senior government officials.
During the seven years he has held office, Lula of Brazil has been a plaything of the British magicians, as evidenced by the cold numbers of plunder with the carry trade. Not surprisingly, Lula has been named "Man of the Year" by everyone from the Davos Forum of international financial czar, to the newspaper Le Monde of France, to own the Royal Institute of International Affairs Great Britain.
But no amount of recognition, or smoke and mirrors, may perpetuate forever the illusion of the carry trade. Like all pyramids and such trácalas through history, will vanish with the smoke screen of the wizard. The only problem is: drag it to the entire population of this planet?
few words of Cervantes
No one better than Miguel de Cervantes to put this in proper perspective. Bring
memory, dear reader, the first sentence of Chapter 42 of Volume II of the famous classic by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, The Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha , where the Dukes continue in his aristocratic entertainment toys of the moment, the clueless Don Quixote and his squire Sancho Panza, to pretend that it will govern one of its islands.
"With the happy and funny adventure event of the Afflicted were so happy the Dukes, who found the jokes go ahead, seeing the fit subject they had so that would be taken by earnest, and so, having given orders to trace and their servants and vassals to Sancho in the government of the promised island, another day, that was what happened to flight Clavileño, Duque said Sancho adeline and arranged to go and be governor, that and his islanders were waiting as the water in May ... "
"Recollect, Sancho," replied the duke, I can not give anyone the sky, but not more than a fingernail, which are reserved for God only rewards and favors. I can give I give you that is an island, compact, well proportioned, and uncommonly fertile and abundadosa, where, if you know how to give tomorrow, you can with the resources of the earth gain those of heaven ... "
" "Now," said Sancho - comes this island, that I'll try and be such a governor, who, in spite of scoundrels I'll go to heaven, and this is not greed that I have to leave my boxes and get up to higher, but by a desire that I have to try what it tastes like to be governor ... "Sir," replied Sancho, "I guess it's good to send, even at a herd of cattle."
And now, dear reader, let us transport it somewhere in La Mancha in the century 17, to London in the 21st century, in the occasion (November 5, 2009) where a modern Duke (Kent's) gave a Sancho Panza reincarnated (President Lula of Brazil) the prize, not to govern the Island of Barataria, but also impressive Chatham House Prize 2009 for "the innovative and responsible economic policies that have kept the fiscal balance." And listen, if you wish, written comments for this memorable occasion by the deputy director of Chatham House (the main Brazilian and UK), Professor Victor Bulmer-Thomas:
"Brazil is now at the forefront of key international issues day and much of the credit he deserves the Chatham House Prize winner this year. The award of the Olympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro is the shot ... The claims of global leadership in Brazil necessarily have been postponed by a combination of inward development, military governments and hyperinflation. Only in mid-1990's, when Brazil finally controlled inflation, opened its economy and consolidated its democracy, may reconsider a global role.
"The hope is one thing but do it is another. Fighting for a place at the head table is not easy ... [Brazil] will fight for a world free of nuclear weapons, will be constructive in the negotiations on climate change .. .
"Like other candidates, Brazil will not get a status without going through a long apprenticeship in the clubs of rich countries."
Sorcerer's Apprentice "?
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Does Funnel Cake Mix Expire
by Loris Simon