All the locals newspapers mention it as one of fifteen businessmen signed a document very hard against the national government. "The hardest was Magnetto "said The Nation, which revealed, along with financial sphere, the existence of a session secret until yesterday, which hosted Magnetto in his own department of five leaders with presidential aspirations.
hatched the plan, say the morning, was to design a common strategy ahead of elections in 2011. Interestingly, the conspiratorial conclave, Clarín published anything, which is Magnetto shareholder, or The Chronicle, owned by businessman De Narvaez.
The Nation uses the top of the lid with "strong political challenge to government companies, and to show the fifteen private executives who met yesterday at the headquarters of the UIA. Indicates that both entities "raised the need for a strong institutional framework, legal certainty and respect for private activity." The headband says "surprise find / Strong political gesture" and that "Employers demanded respect for private activity." On the descent argues that "Fifteen of the country's most influential executives at publicly raised; Magnetto the hardest." Introduced the note with two boxes, one entitled "Changes in the sense of the end of a cycle" and other "Giorgi rejected criticism"
.- Clarín, bearing the new theme page 24 presents "Claim of entrepreneurs for clear rules and respect for private activity." And "What did the UIA and the AEA. Raised his confidence in the country's growth potential. "
This is nothing new, and being rescued Peronist words of Raul Alfonsin ...
argues in its opening "A complete match" to indicate as necessary legal certainty, stable rules and predictable and full respect for private activity that marked the meeting materialized yesterday the leaders of the Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA) with their counterparts from Argentina entrepreneur Association (AEA). "There was complete coincidence that a Republican strong institutional framework, legal certainty, stable rules and predictable and full respect for the private sector, are prerequisites for sustainable development and continued to include all Argentines," said the two entities, through a joint statement. "
In that sense, The Chronicle, of Francisco de Narváez opposition legislator favors that "Entrepreneurs criticized the lack of legal certainty and a plan to combat inflation." While questions Página/12 "The old story of climate investment. "
political meeting on the Nation reveals that "The summit, planned in strict confidence, was carried out last night. At the same table sat former President Eduardo Duhalde, Senator Carlos Reutemann, the deputies Francisco de Narvaez and Felipe Solá, and the mayor of Buenos Aires, Mauricio Macri, according to La Nacion confirmed seven sources related to all sectors involved.
The same sources also confirmed that the meeting's host was Hector Magneto. And the five political leaders discussed for the first time, the campaign for national elections next year. "
the meeting entitled: "Quintet opposition sought unity in mined land." The note says "The main opposition Peronist bosses broke late on their differences and pledged to pacify the nomination fight to achieve some sort of assembly that allows them to retake the lead in the electoral battle, they agreed, is now in the hands of Kirchner.
Not that the cold convince Eduardo Duhalde, Mauricio Macri, Felipe Solá, Carlos Reutemann and Francisco de Narváez to join forces and launch a whisper of unity, was Hector Magnetto, who sat on Monday night in the dining your department Alvear and Cerrito Street, next to the Embassy of Brazil, where the guests arrived, as we read the verse of Virgil, "obscuri single sub nocte per umbra (dark beneath the lonely night)."
source: www.diarioregistrado.com
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