Monday, February 28, 2011

Medical Alert Wholesale

ROCKEFELLER AND THE END OF THIS neoliberal capitalism closer every day ... THE PRINCIPLE OF COLLAPSE

There is a view output as connecting link to this debacle and is called
"The LaRouche Plan"

the return of an economic order founded on systems such as the Bretton Woods institutions (linking the physical economy to economic development) Sovereign banking, with strict regulations Glass Steagall Banking, you're an investment bank or you're a commercial bank? (Receive deposits from people, not go to the casino), if you take deposits, you can not invest in pouch is crystal clear, both normative patterns or systematically destroyed fuerno from its implementation beyond the 40 in 1971 and 1999 respectively (analyze the systematic economic crisis after this)

I hope this contribution. Greetings


The first steps of 'Plan LaRouche'

immediate measures for the economic survival of the U.S. and the WORLD!

Washington (LPAC)-The American economist Lyndon LaRouche made the following emergency measures on October 6, through its Political Action Committee Lyndon LaRouche (LPAC), as a preface to the publication of "The LaRouche Plan ; how to rescue the global economy ", in the form of a booklet.

First of all, javascript: void (0) what is needed is to bring all ordinary commercial banks to bankruptcy reorganization. What will happen is that we will return to the Constitution, which specifies a credit system, not a monetary system. So consist bankruptcy declaration that it is asserting the United States Constitution, that we are a credit system, not a monetary system.

Number two, now take the accounts of commercial banks ... Of the other banks can forget for the moment, but commercial banks, these banks will be subject to a bankruptcy reorganization, so that those accounts in banks, corresponding to a standard of [the Act] Glass-Steagall will receive full protection and assigned under the category of an account authorized by the Glass-Steagall.

These banks, which will clean that way, should protegérseles for bankruptcy, although this has been purged away. Therefore be operating in bankruptcy protection, as necessary.

However, once we have taken enough of that crap, which is essentially worthless paper, we call it "Bernanke's money" - receive no protection. That crap is on their own, begging as I can get.

Well, having done that, we are then in a situation where, after many obligations override federal accounts has been charged with useless, simply sweep them in reorganization bankruptcy, there is no obligation. The Federal Reserve rescued them, period is over!

Okay, now let's give credit, federal credit and the federal credit will go mainly, in addition to the usual government accounts, several other government projects. In general it will be for investment in infrastructure. The reason to invest in infrastructure is that we have very little basic industry, we have small retail operations, and we will not have a recovery or even survival of the U.S. economy based on small businesses. No. We need to use the infrastructure on a large scale and these will be federal support.

But also, we direct a second category. This is to ensure that any federal project for the construction of infrastructure, for example, interstate investment will require the help of subcontractors who are private entrepreneurs. A private contractor who is qualified to war production during World War II, under a contract that has to do with a piece of infrastructure, an infrastructure project is protected by the federal government, receive protection and access credit.

therefore wield major infrastructure categories scale, which are our main instrument of real recovery ... We're talking about blue-collar jobs. The basics are the blue-collar jobs in industry, infrastructure and agriculture. Workers work! And do not try to sneak in a counter with or without a tie.

Well, blue-collar jobs in agriculture, industry, infrastructure. That is the norm, because it generates real wealth. Tie jobs, jobs in the service sector, not necessarily generate real wealth, and in particular white-collar jobs, not create real wealth. We want to produce real wealth. As we are a bankrupt country, we have to regain solvency. It can only do so with an accent on labor employment in contract workers.

Then we have the contract, which is for a state or federal project, with support from the federal government, and we have to subcontractors, which are private companies that have a contract or a contract, or an equivalent service contract with a federal project. These contractors will be protected by federal or state governments.

On that basis, we have now opened a whole new approach to jump-start the economy again. We headed to growth. Under these conditions, we can begin to reorganize the economy successfully.

October or death!

However, the urgency of this lies in the fact that if we do this, either in October or sometime not long after, the entire nation will disintegrate. So therefore we have to do now. That means we have no time to waste with the usual nonsense: "Would not it help?" Forget it! No help. Green jobs in general will be left out! Nothing green jobs! Employment may be green, but on the periphery of the system. It will be blue-collar jobs or employment involving a majority of workers, and the more skilled, better. Will use in the form of workers, concentrated in federal infrastructure or state projects with federally backed projects, federal-state cooperation. Also include subcontractors, private firms subcontracted and protected as such for federal projects. That is our basic program of recovery.

will also have to do something on health care, we will remove the system of management organizations (HMOs). Out! HMO, out! Will restore the orientation of [the Act] Hill-Burton, and we will make our way towards such an orientation. It is the only way to do it. That will have to receive federal aid. So, going back to the standard Hill-Burton. It is the only way to rescue the health system, so let's do it.

What this means is that, seeing the world around us, no part of it is at present an ongoing program or the ability to survive independently of the current financial-monetary crisis. The only way is like the U.S. will have to. So therefore, see that there is no world government that is committed to this to do anything to save his own ass in the breakdown-crisis now underway. Nobody out there is not exactly what I think is qualified to provide any solution to any of these problems. Not possible.

We are in a breakdown of the entire global system, and there is no government in the world that currently has the slightest idea what to do with this crisis. So all these ideas about "this" or "that", or "that" or "other" ... Forget! Let it out! Not what I brought up! Let the discussion! Only certain things work in these conditions, and we need them. We are in a genuine global emergency. We are in the situation of a global breakdown crisis.

But do not think that the British have some brains. The British manipulate people, but the British system does not have the intellectual capacity, this time to come up with anything useful. The Russian-Other-no idea what to do. Ideas are useful, but not the frame to mount, to tear them to walk. That is our general situation across the globe. Only the U.S. can do that.

(you can download this video)

monetary systems are dead animals

other thing must be emphasized is that if the U.S. sinks, all nations, all the world's economies will collapse in rapid succession. No corner of the world that will survive a collapse of the U.S. economy, no! That is a reality. No government in the world who is thinking about the words I speak now, to be able even to meet their own affairs. So we, in America, with our credit system, which is in our Constitution, we are the only entity capable of inspiring a program that can save the world from a general breakdown crisis chain reaction. In these we are now.

That means that all the follies of the variety "yes, maybe, whatever ...", forget. Do not waste your time even talking about it. Return, always, the main issue: if they want to survive, have to continue this part of the program. We will refer to the commercial banking system to a reorganization under the rule of the Glass-Steagall, we will use the final product of this reorganization to restore the full support of the federal system as the credit system, not monetary. We are committed to destroying the monetary systems around the world, not running to crush them, but saying, "I do not recognize as valid and legitimate."

That's another rule to which we must stick: we do not address any option based on adjusted or adapted or to use a monetary system. Monetary systems, as we are concerned, are dead animals. Not even talk about them are not useful. Just have to go!

The world has to resort to a system of nation states are sovereign, that govern each of them, like a credit system and the credit system can be established by a treaty between that nation and the United States. We will create a global system of credit, a credit system based on a system of perfectly sovereign nation-states, operating in turn in the international market as a system credit, not a monetary system. We will not resurrect Keynes, we are going to bury him. Finally! We have to restrict

not waste time and energy to discuss issues of "maybe" that do not conform to what I say. That should be our policy. Everything else is nonsense.

Remember, no world government, at present, for their apparent policy is suitable to deal with this crisis. The British, especially, there are no geniuses. We stick to our program as I have identified. That is the crux.

And that's what we have to make clear now. So, do not waste our time bringing up topics that are not worth discussing! Because either we do what we just mentioned, or we will cease to exist. So there is no point in discussing anything different! Fuest



Saturday, February 26, 2011

Subjunctive Spanish Wedding

Antonio Asis , movement as art. That There Are

The previous quote is from the author Zora Neale Hurston (1891-1960). I believe the second part is what has the most relevance to our time: “years that answer.” Has this idea turned our present generations off to asking questions? We live in the era of the Internet when answers are given to us instantaneously. To that effect, one can recall the wise words of Pablo Picasso, “Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.” The overabundance of information that can be accessed with a click is taken for granted. Procrastination has replaced curiosity, and Facebook has killed our stimulation. There is much beauty and genuineness to be found in Aménabar’s Agora. I find it would do us good to find our inner Hypatia and rediscover all that surrounds us. It seems like the more we close up into ourselves, the farther we move from the questions we should ask. Sometimes the trivial ideas in our everyday lives that shape the world Which May Appear surround us as real as anything, But it is important to remember There is a truer world Out There That May hold the answers we seek.

"Brick by Brick" by Artist Nathan Sawaya

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Licensed Auto Mechanic Ontario

Doña Celia Villalobos qualifies as silly to people with disabilities. ARASAAC

At the news in the press, headed by email to the Speaker of the Commission of the Congress Dispacacidad Deputies, Don Francisco Vañó. Send mail with a copy to Mrs. Celia Villalobos.

message text:
D. Francisco Ferre
Speaker in the Disability Commission of the Congress of Deputies.

Dear Francisco,

Just when we celebrate the year we had the opportunity to meet personally, I feel obliged to write to you first as a mother of Arthur, minor functional diversity of seconds Platform promoting inclusion Spain, on behalf of many parents and families of people with disabilities. Today

opened the news on television all the controversy that has starred in his party colleague Mrs Celia Villalobos, having transcended a private conversation, which was branded a fascist Mr. Bono, President of the Congress of Deputies. Ms. Villalobos was quick to apologize to Mr. Bond by the description of fascists and to express their discomfort because they have made public a private conversation.

I want to express to you my unease and outrage that Ms. Villalobos qualified people with functional diversity as silly, and they do not apologize, it follows therefore that what angered Ms. Villalobos is calling it known Mr Bono fascist private, and considers called silly right people with disabilities.

the view that the Popular Party or practice or advocate a policy of attention to diversity in order to fool, or the Congress of Deputies, or in regions where the ruling, I ask you to kindly ask your partner Doña Celia Villalobos a public correction of his statements.

Regards, Esther

Square Barber, mother of Arthur.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Shoes Too Big Toe Inserts

Internet in prizes

The Aragonés Portal of Augmentative and Alternative Communication has submitted an application for Internet Awards 2011.
giving opportunities for everyone to communicate, learn and understand the world around you, because commitment to equal opportunities for all, I ask one minute each day until 20 April to vote for them.

Esther. Link to ARASAAC

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Is An Oreck Ok For Frieze Carpet

neoliberal and capitalist globalization

The historic opportunity of 2011!

February 12, 2011
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
(translated from German)

On the world scene now unfolding drama unprecedented The Egyptian people has been freed from a dictatorship, a process comparable to the fall of the Berlin Wall in Germany in 1989. The situation of the global financial system resembles a minefield where the slightest misstep could trigger a chain reaction leading to the complete disintegration of the financial and banking sector, similar to the collapse of Century 14. Meanwhile, the internal watchdog of the International Monetary Fund admitted the total failure of that institution, while more and more people around the world recognize the historical significance of the report Angelides, as the first institutional reaction responsible to the biggest financial crisis the history of mankind. Mubarak's resignation and the dramatic events in Egypt, are paradigmatic signs that the global system has been a miserable failure.
The events in Egypt, together with the report Angelides in the U.S., providing a ray of hope that can still save humanity on the brink!
Although it certainly was not his intention to do so, Greenspan and Bernanke rescue package with its hyperinflationary, and IMF Managing Director Strauss-Kahn, with his infamous conditionalities, have actually contributed to these positive developments in Egypt!
Because the findings of the Independent Review Commission (ERC) of the IMF, in the sense that the IMF's policy literally abounds in errors of judgments based on false premises, not limited to judgments and prescriptions in the context of the global financial crisis. Were in particular IMF policies toward developing countries which resulted in a disaster. And one of the reasons why, after Mubarak has been in office for over 30 years, the West suddenly realize just three weeks ago is a "dictator", is the fact that during all these decades, Mubarak was fully enforcing the program that the IMF would prescribe. This includes the devaluation of the currency of Egypt and the systematic privatization of the institutions and companies public and state property. The IMF is assigned to a share of privatizations that had to comply. And the new bosses who came, not even blinked ordering layoffs, which eventually led to Egypt at a rate of 30% unemployment and growing impoverishment.
The IMF forced Egypt to overthrow their agricultural tariffs and export fruits, vegetables and cotton to earn foreign exchange, thus making it unable to produce for their own internal needs. Was denied credit for infrastructure, energy and industry, instead of this is promoted tourism. Until about two months, the Mubarak government was determined to impose a second phase IMF. This left young people adrift, without the inspiration of a great project. In 30 years, nobody has raised a national aspiration that promises a better future. Under the leadership of Mubarak, Egypt ignored his African neighbors.
There are grounds for hope to the people there not only wants to get rid of Mubarak, but most want to replace every aspect of each of the policies that have to do with him and the IMF, with a real prospect of rebuilding. Egypt is not only a country of Asia and Africa, but is also the cradle of European culture, and if he can do this, it will be an inspiration to the entire African continent, and throughout the Arab world.
Europe should really help Egypt build the country's economy. Projects such as construction of new satellite towns to relieve the pressure on Cairo to expand arable land through irrigation projects that go to the Qattara Depression, building a modern infrastructure, power generation with high energy flux density, and modern industry, must be part of the immediate discussion, and must have available the necessary funds. And most importantly, you have to throw away everything even remotely related to the IMF.
Because, most significant is the admission CIS on the false IMF methodology, the prospects for that institution can be reformed, they are simply invalid. Its directors and associates are an army of monetarist instilled in neoliberalism, they have not even been able to dominate the pace of globalization, and not have the slightest idea about physical economy. But maybe there is still some hope for the IMF, if you completely replace your current staff with innovative industrialists, scientists and managers of savings banks of the old school.
Financial resources are also totally out of focus with their reports on the Report Angelides predicting, it will not have any effect. Only ten days after it was unveiled this report, without hesitation revealing the history of the past 30 years, revealing the causes of the worst crisis in the history of financial markets, and has become the book most sold in the U.S., and is to be the most sold in many other countries. Any teacher or student who is serious, and every politician who wants to keep his job, is now busy studying this report, more attractive than any of the TV police drama "about the people behind the financial crisis.
This report is a must read for all quines have seen their livelihoods ruined or damaged as a result the repeal of Glass-Steagall regulation and subsequent deregulation of the financial sector. And also to all those who are still doing relatively well, but recognize, intellectually and morally, that the system of deregulation of globalization not only endangers the lives of millions of human beings but is also threatening the very fabric of our society is still only partially free.
Each of the members of our federal parliament and state assemblies will have to be calibrated now by his attitude toward Angelides report, because while this 600-page document presents ruthlessly criminal machinations of the bankers and hedge funds, is completely lacks a commission equivalent here in Germany or in any other European nation. This is the reason, the BüSo began two years ago, a campaign calling for the convening of an Pecora Commission here, in order to expose the criminal activities in connection with the financial crisis. But the only response from our representatives in parliament, was that there were insufficient grounds for suspicion!
All German citizens have to make with this report, which soon will be available in German under the title Der Bericht FCIC, and should see their state and federal representatives, mayors, city Assembly members and members of municipal councils and requiring that the findings of this report also apply to the situation here. The directors of small and medium industries, and hundreds of city and municipal governments, have already filed lawsuits against certain banks who sold them betting on interest rates, with the full knowledge that their clients would be the losers, while among its members boasted that this was the only way to gouge money from their customers.
Therefore, instead of walking ridiculous fighting over the details of the law of Hartz IV unemployment, we should completely get rid of this inhuman law which, after all, is nothing more than simple outcome of these financial practices such as denouncing the report Angelides. And if repealing all measures made necessary by the deregulation of financial markets-that is, if you reinstall the Standard Glass-Steagall and allowed back to commercial banks issue credit for full-time productive employment Hartz IV becomes irrelevant.

control basic food prices

We must act now, because within weeks, could have a domino effect of nations for bankruptcy in the euro area. The Irish government is delaying payment for 10 billion euros to the Irish banks, depending on the outcome of new elections scheduled for February 25 and we anticipate that the next government will refuse to honor agreements with the suicide of Ireland troika of the European Commission, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the IMF. Portugal will not be able to continue paying for a long time the current interest rates of 7% on government securities, and if Portugal falls, this will drag him to Spain.
is noted
HERE ...¬e_id=190880370934346

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tropical Theme Koozie

Of shame

Galician MPs spend their time and money of all to discuss MEDIA Galician CAREGIVER of a public school. And of course, as they would not cut into thirds CAREGIVER MEDIA (1 third for the PP, 1 third for the PSOE, 1 for the BNG), those with the most votes (in this case the PP) have said that WHOLE CAREGIVER nothing.

This is what justifies the salary of the representatives of the Galician. I dread to think what they have gone through to reach those parents who ask a question in the Parliament of Galicia. Let the Department will have passed through the triumphal arch the situation of children, for a change .....

On the other hand, I feel a bit stupid indignant at this news.

what will be discussed? because of these things, because there is in the Department of Education of the Xunta de Galicia any program or investment project in the education of children with disabilities. In education under the terms of the LOE and the Convention on Human Rights of persons with disabilities in other projects seem to be yes. Inclusive education is not to make statements to the press at the inauguration of EEC self-congratulations of the bet made by the inclusion of children with diversity and the great work they do for inclusive education centers specific. Educational and social inclusion, equal opportunities and respect for human rights is not this, however much they strive mr. Regional Minister and Mr. President of the Xunta.

Esther, the mother who gave birth to Arthur.

The PP rejects the proposal to keep the caretaker of A

Xunqueira II Author:
Pontevedra / voice

PP Galician Parliament rejected a proposal by the Socialist Guillermo Meijon in which he claimed to remain full-time the caregivers of children with special educational needs of CEP A Xunqueira II. The proposal also requested a report on the need to increase the number of caregivers.

Meijón says that the characteristics and the number of students that need the attention of the caregiver "amply justified the presence of full-time." He blames al jefe territorial Socialist Education to withhold information about them priests, "What inhabilita its management as well as the counselor." If a refirió supuesto attempt to manipulate parts of the Center reports, including 'the attachment that focused on the inability to carry out the work plan sought by the Team Specific Guidance, as well as to confuse the intent of the plan with the totality of functions coidadora. "

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dragon Age Save Games

The SERGAS launches health card AA (care and support) for people with ASD

"The Sergas create a special health card for children with autism Galician


The Regional Minister of the Xunta de Galicia , Pilar Farjas, has moved on Tuesday to create a special health card for children with autism spectrum Galicia in order to bring events to the behavior requirements.
So it advanced to Asperger Association representatives, Autism Galicia and the Galician Association of Syndrome X-Fráxil, thus responding to an "old demand," has stated on healing, of these groups.
The initiative is included in the top of the health card of these patients the letters 'AA', which means "attention and support."
Thus, as explained Sanidade in the course of care children with autism spectrum will be given priority attention in time, so it will be referred to the first day to avoid waiting in collective areas and can be accompanied by a family member, "thus facilitating the accessibility of these people and improving quality in health care."
The aim of the double AA on the card of these people are facing, as explained by the health authorities, to "minimize the impact or address the communication constraints" that can lead to these patients certain situations, such as visiting health care facilities with many people and requires personal contact with the health communications.
In this context, the Regional Minister of Sanidade said his department also works with other associations with similar characteristics and who can benefit from the inclusion of the health card of double A. "

The Platform says
We're in luck. It is one of the requests we collected on 28 December in the documents we started and we announced this platform.
is a necessity and should not exist as such, if people do use the health system were treated as people, not like cattle. And it would work, and organization of agendas can be "head" and more so considering that our children are often "repeat" queries, not because they do not personally know or not know of their difficulties . Welcome this card
AA, essential for many people.

We can not paste here the input Inés Casal wrote in his blog speaks for me says Iago.

MONDAY neurologists and new complaints. 28.09.2010

As always taking advantage of the local holiday of our city to take doctors. Played neurologist. The last two times we've gone to the neurologist had blood drawn and clear on this occasion is to be expected, again my precious blood vampires rare! Why is that?
This time the neurologist saw me come tiptoeing and wondered. What is really strange is that I finally have realized after so many times that my parents had said. Yes, it is true that is growing and has decided to do another test, and a new MRI, with corresponding proof of anesthesia. So he played for the third consecutive analysis in the neurologist. Mom drove me to anticipate the collection of blood, and this time, this time I worked pretty well, of course mom had the great idea to cover my side view of the needle with your hands in addition to the nurse is truly an expert and I drew blood from his hand.
But mom complains about service! Yes, complain and serve the complaint to the association of autism allegedly carried out a protocol for the care of patients with autism who do not know where or what it does. "We had
to wait an hour to be served as usual (today was a short time). I do not know that quote at all at the same time and then not take into account that patients and I DO NOT KNOW TO WAIT.
"We sent an appointment for Rays (RM) and Pre-anesthesia (PA) and the indications were, -3 level. It took over an hour to request all appointments, Mom took me to walk around the teaching hospital of Santiago, imagine, Neuropediatrics is on floor 1 of a wing that is the area where it comes down to -3, with you have to travel horizontally and then lower it. We got to the counter and queue for appointments and do not know that is not expected! there tell us that we must seek the appointment of pre-anesthesia on the ground floor, we will lower plant information desk and ask how we send one, mommy takes number, 38 and went for 5, NOT REALIZE THAT IT IS EXPECTED! Mommy is so close to the window and tells the lady, "hey, my son has autism and can not wait" (Mommy thinking of having blood that we would play after asking quotes) and well-illustrated Mommy says if all the people he passes by me no problem, and Mommy says in a tone quite high, "AND THEY WANT, YOU SAY THAT ALL PEOPLE THAT MY CHILD HAS AUTISM AND IS UNABLE TO WAIT ! " less bad, less bad than a more enlightened that told us attend and when we give the piece of paper tells us that is not the counter, green mommy, we had sent information to a desk that was not, with more than 30 people in front and luckily mom put value, because normally expected. .. So we go for the second course counter, asked two young ladies, and send us information! but it was the first thing we did, so we explained, and where we came from and so we send a young lady two seats more than the same desk to see if he knows, and tells us the next desk. Go there. There was only one person, but it took 15 minutes ... and I DID NOT EXPECT AND MORE!, finished nodding against the windows of the counter, which served so that when we attended sent us across the counter where the days are supposed to days where you can not give because there is no place ... And we met in the day taking advantage of mom requested I have another appointment that day, also in Santiago.
I say, for when that card PREFERRED PATIENT CARE. As leaves no autism associations or administrations that govern us in Galicia, because mommy is going to make one ... no joke, we an informative, no legal value but to report it forward so that when we get to the doctor or any window, keeping mom has to have publicly my life and my medical records.

There you have it, will accept proposals for improvement.

carnet TEA atención preferente
Note, in my opinion lacks Autism Confederation logo or similar and the Ministry of Health or similar, I've left room below. When? Is it so difficult a campaign to raise awareness of something as basic as this?.