There is a view output as connecting link to this debacle and is called
"The LaRouche Plan"
the return of an economic order founded on systems such as the Bretton Woods institutions (linking the physical economy to economic development) Sovereign banking, with strict regulations Glass Steagall Banking, you're an investment bank or you're a commercial bank? (Receive deposits from people, not go to the casino), if you take deposits, you can not invest in pouch is crystal clear, both normative patterns or systematically destroyed fuerno from its implementation beyond the 40 in 1971 and 1999 respectively (analyze the systematic economic crisis after this)
I hope this contribution. Greetings

The first steps of 'Plan LaRouche'
immediate measures for the economic survival of the U.S. and the WORLD!
Washington (LPAC)-The American economist Lyndon LaRouche made the following emergency measures on October 6, through its Political Action Committee Lyndon LaRouche (LPAC), as a preface to the publication of "The LaRouche Plan ; how to rescue the global economy ", in the form of a booklet.
First of all, javascript: void (0) what is needed is to bring all ordinary commercial banks to bankruptcy reorganization. What will happen is that we will return to the Constitution, which specifies a credit system, not a monetary system. So consist bankruptcy declaration that it is asserting the United States Constitution, that we are a credit system, not a monetary system.
Number two, now take the accounts of commercial banks ... Of the other banks can forget for the moment, but commercial banks, these banks will be subject to a bankruptcy reorganization, so that those accounts in banks, corresponding to a standard of [the Act] Glass-Steagall will receive full protection and assigned under the category of an account authorized by the Glass-Steagall.
These banks, which will clean that way, should protegérseles for bankruptcy, although this has been purged away. Therefore be operating in bankruptcy protection, as necessary.
However, once we have taken enough of that crap, which is essentially worthless paper, we call it "Bernanke's money" - receive no protection. That crap is on their own, begging as I can get.
Well, having done that, we are then in a situation where, after many obligations override federal accounts has been charged with useless, simply sweep them in reorganization bankruptcy, there is no obligation. The Federal Reserve rescued them, period is over!
Okay, now let's give credit, federal credit and the federal credit will go mainly, in addition to the usual government accounts, several other government projects. In general it will be for investment in infrastructure. The reason to invest in infrastructure is that we have very little basic industry, we have small retail operations, and we will not have a recovery or even survival of the U.S. economy based on small businesses. No. We need to use the infrastructure on a large scale and these will be federal support.
But also, we direct a second category. This is to ensure that any federal project for the construction of infrastructure, for example, interstate investment will require the help of subcontractors who are private entrepreneurs. A private contractor who is qualified to war production during World War II, under a contract that has to do with a piece of infrastructure, an infrastructure project is protected by the federal government, receive protection and access credit.
therefore wield major infrastructure categories scale, which are our main instrument of real recovery ... We're talking about blue-collar jobs. The basics are the blue-collar jobs in industry, infrastructure and agriculture. Workers work! And do not try to sneak in a counter with or without a tie.
Well, blue-collar jobs in agriculture, industry, infrastructure. That is the norm, because it generates real wealth. Tie jobs, jobs in the service sector, not necessarily generate real wealth, and in particular white-collar jobs, not create real wealth. We want to produce real wealth. As we are a bankrupt country, we have to regain solvency. It can only do so with an accent on labor employment in contract workers.
Then we have the contract, which is for a state or federal project, with support from the federal government, and we have to subcontractors, which are private companies that have a contract or a contract, or an equivalent service contract with a federal project. These contractors will be protected by federal or state governments.
On that basis, we have now opened a whole new approach to jump-start the economy again. We headed to growth. Under these conditions, we can begin to reorganize the economy successfully.
However, the urgency of this lies in the fact that if we do this, either in October or sometime not long after, the entire nation will disintegrate. So therefore we have to do now. That means we have no time to waste with the usual nonsense: "Would not it help?" Forget it! No help. Green jobs in general will be left out! Nothing green jobs! Employment may be green, but on the periphery of the system. It will be blue-collar jobs or employment involving a majority of workers, and the more skilled, better. Will use in the form of workers, concentrated in federal infrastructure or state projects with federally backed projects, federal-state cooperation. Also include subcontractors, private firms subcontracted and protected as such for federal projects. That is our basic program of recovery.
will also have to do something on health care, we will remove the system of management organizations (HMOs). Out! HMO, out! Will restore the orientation of [the Act] Hill-Burton, and we will make our way towards such an orientation. It is the only way to do it. That will have to receive federal aid. So, going back to the standard Hill-Burton. It is the only way to rescue the health system, so let's do it.
What this means is that, seeing the world around us, no part of it is at present an ongoing program or the ability to survive independently of the current financial-monetary crisis. The only way is like the U.S. will have to. So therefore, see that there is no world government that is committed to this to do anything to save his own ass in the breakdown-crisis now underway. Nobody out there is not exactly what I think is qualified to provide any solution to any of these problems. Not possible.
We are in a breakdown of the entire global system, and there is no government in the world that currently has the slightest idea what to do with this crisis. So all these ideas about "this" or "that", or "that" or "other" ... Forget! Let it out! Not what I brought up! Let the discussion! Only certain things work in these conditions, and we need them. We are in a genuine global emergency. We are in the situation of a global breakdown crisis.
But do not think that the British have some brains. The British manipulate people, but the British system does not have the intellectual capacity, this time to come up with anything useful. The Russian-Other-no idea what to do. Ideas are useful, but not the frame to mount, to tear them to walk. That is our general situation across the globe. Only the U.S. can do that.
(you can download this video)
monetary systems are dead animals
other thing must be emphasized is that if the U.S. sinks, all nations, all the world's economies will collapse in rapid succession. No corner of the world that will survive a collapse of the U.S. economy, no! That is a reality. No government in the world who is thinking about the words I speak now, to be able even to meet their own affairs. So we, in America, with our credit system, which is in our Constitution, we are the only entity capable of inspiring a program that can save the world from a general breakdown crisis chain reaction. In these we are now.
That means that all the follies of the variety "yes, maybe, whatever ...", forget. Do not waste your time even talking about it. Return, always, the main issue: if they want to survive, have to continue this part of the program. We will refer to the commercial banking system to a reorganization under the rule of the Glass-Steagall, we will use the final product of this reorganization to restore the full support of the federal system as the credit system, not monetary. We are committed to destroying the monetary systems around the world, not running to crush them, but saying, "I do not recognize as valid and legitimate."
That's another rule to which we must stick: we do not address any option based on adjusted or adapted or to use a monetary system. Monetary systems, as we are concerned, are dead animals. Not even talk about them are not useful. Just have to go!
The world has to resort to a system of nation states are sovereign, that govern each of them, like a credit system and the credit system can be established by a treaty between that nation and the United States. We will create a global system of credit, a credit system based on a system of perfectly sovereign nation-states, operating in turn in the international market as a system credit, not a monetary system. We will not resurrect Keynes, we are going to bury him. Finally! We have to restrict
not waste time and energy to discuss issues of "maybe" that do not conform to what I say. That should be our policy. Everything else is nonsense.
Remember, no world government, at present, for their apparent policy is suitable to deal with this crisis. The British, especially, there are no geniuses. We stick to our program as I have identified. That is the crux.
And that's what we have to make clear now. So, do not waste our time bringing up topics that are not worth discussing! Because either we do what we just mentioned, or we will cease to exist. So there is no point in discussing anything different! Fuest