"The Sergas create a special health card for children with autism Galician
The Regional Minister of the Xunta de Galicia , Pilar Farjas, has moved on Tuesday to create a special health card for children with autism spectrum Galicia in order to bring events to the behavior requirements.
So it advanced to Asperger Association representatives, Autism Galicia and the Galician Association of Syndrome X-Fráxil, thus responding to an "old demand," has stated on healing, of these groups.
The initiative is included in the top of the health card of these patients the letters 'AA', which means "attention and support."
Thus, as explained Sanidade in the course of care children with autism spectrum will be given priority attention in time, so it will be referred to the first day to avoid waiting in collective areas and can be accompanied by a family member, "thus facilitating the accessibility of these people and improving quality in health care."
The aim of the double AA on the card of these people are facing, as explained by the health authorities, to "minimize the impact or address the communication constraints" that can lead to these patients certain situations, such as visiting health care facilities with many people and requires personal contact with the health communications.
In this context, the Regional Minister of Sanidade said his department also works with other associations with similar characteristics and who can benefit from the inclusion of the health card of double A. "
The Platform says
We're in luck. It is one of the requests we collected on 28 December in the documents we started and we announced this platform.
is a necessity and should not exist as such, if people do use the health system were treated as people, not like cattle. And it would work, and organization of agendas can be "head" and more so considering that our children are often "repeat" queries, not because they do not personally know or not know of their difficulties . Welcome this card
AA, essential for many people.
We can not paste here the input Inés Casal wrote in his blog speaks for me says Iago.
MONDAY neurologists and new complaints. 28.09.2010
As always taking advantage of the local holiday of our city to take doctors. Played neurologist. The last two times we've gone to the neurologist had blood drawn and clear on this occasion is to be expected, again my precious blood vampires rare! Why is that? This time the neurologist saw me come tiptoeing and wondered. What is really strange is that I finally have realized after so many times that my parents had said. Yes, it is true that is growing and has decided to do another test, and a new MRI, with corresponding proof of anesthesia. So he played for the third consecutive analysis in the neurologist. Mom drove me to anticipate the collection of blood, and this time, this time I worked pretty well, of course mom had the great idea to cover my side view of the needle with your hands in addition to the nurse is truly an expert and I drew blood from his hand.
But mom complains about service! Yes, complain and serve the complaint to the association of autism allegedly carried out a protocol for the care of patients with autism who do not know where or what it does. "We had
to wait an hour to be served as usual (today was a short time). I do not know that quote at all at the same time and then not take into account that patients and I DO NOT KNOW TO WAIT.
"We sent an appointment for Rays (RM) and Pre-anesthesia (PA) and the indications were, -3 level. It took over an hour to request all appointments, Mom took me to walk around the teaching hospital of Santiago, imagine, Neuropediatrics is on floor 1 of a wing that is the area where it comes down to -3, with you have to travel horizontally and then lower it. We got to the counter and queue for appointments and do not know that is not expected! there tell us that we must seek the appointment of pre-anesthesia on the ground floor, we will lower plant information desk and ask how we send one, mommy takes number, 38 and went for 5, NOT REALIZE THAT IT IS EXPECTED! Mommy is so close to the window and tells the lady, "hey, my son has autism and can not wait" (Mommy thinking of having blood that we would play after asking quotes) and well-illustrated Mommy says if all the people he passes by me no problem, and Mommy says in a tone quite high, "AND THEY WANT, YOU SAY THAT ALL PEOPLE THAT MY CHILD HAS AUTISM AND IS UNABLE TO WAIT ! " less bad, less bad than a more enlightened that told us attend and when we give the piece of paper tells us that is not the counter, green mommy, we had sent information to a desk that was not, with more than 30 people in front and luckily mom put value, because normally expected. .. So we go for the second course counter, asked two young ladies, and send us information! but it was the first thing we did, so we explained, and where we came from and so we send a young lady two seats more than the same desk to see if he knows, and tells us the next desk. Go there. There was only one person, but it took 15 minutes ... and I DID NOT EXPECT AND MORE!, finished nodding against the windows of the counter, which served so that when we attended sent us across the counter where the days are supposed to days where you can not give because there is no place ... And we met in the day taking advantage of mom requested I have another appointment that day, also in Santiago.
I say, for when that card PREFERRED PATIENT CARE. As leaves no autism associations or administrations that govern us in Galicia, because mommy is going to make one ... no joke, we an informative, no legal value but to report it forward so that when we get to the doctor or any window, keeping mom has to have publicly my life and my medical records.
There you have it, will accept proposals for improvement.

Note, in my opinion lacks Autism Confederation logo or similar and the Ministry of Health or similar, I've left room below. When? Is it so difficult a campaign to raise awareness of something as basic as this?.
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