The previous quote is from the author Zora Neale Hurston (1891-1960). I believe the second part is what has the most relevance to our time: “years that answer.” Has this idea turned our present generations off to asking questions? We live in the era of the Internet when answers are given to us instantaneously. To that effect, one can recall the wise words of Pablo Picasso, “Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.” The overabundance of information that can be accessed with a click is taken for granted. Procrastination has replaced curiosity, and Facebook has killed our stimulation. There is much beauty and genuineness to be found in Aménabar’s Agora. I find it would do us good to find our inner Hypatia and rediscover all that surrounds us. It seems like the more we close up into ourselves, the farther we move from the questions we should ask. Sometimes the trivial ideas in our everyday lives that shape the world Which May Appear surround us as real as anything, But it is important to remember There is a truer world Out There That May hold the answers we seek.

"Brick by Brick" by Artist Nathan Sawaya
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