Attacking the food in London points to the list of 13 nations of the NSSM 200, Kissinger and others around
February 25, 2011 - The National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM by acronym in English) 1974 Henry Kissinger, is a clear statement of policy of the British Empire which is now underway, in which the "food weapon," as Kissinger called in the time-to stop people from 13 nations strategically selected, is being directed against them specifically: see Egypt, Mexico, India, and all panoramal others in the world.
insane destruction of national capacity for food production and security food, has left billions of human beings at the mercy of the food weapon in the form of dependence on food imports, exports, desperate for cash, and reliance on "market prices" for supplies, now can not be obtained due to the hyperinflationary prices, since there is no real production.
All this highlights the need for a full return to the credit system Glass-Steagall for collaboration in emergency measures in the short term and long-term development. In the immediate term, we need to put a ceiling on food prices
Africa: Egypt, Ethiopia and Nigeria.
Asia: India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines.
Southwest Asia: Turkey.
Americas: Mexico, Brazil and Colombia.
then, these countries accounted for 47% of the population.
Egypt today has 82 million people, uses less than 7% of its arable land and dependent on food imports, for example, for half of its wheat consumption.
Mexico today, with 111 million inhabitants in a year of "good" harvest depends on imports for more than 40% of its food (maize, beans, milk powder, other commodities). But early frosts have turned the current cycle of harvests in a disaster and will need many more imports. In 1960, Mexico was a net exporter of grain self-sufficient and was headed for dramatic growth, then in 1980, Kissinger policy took over.
India today, with 1.173 million people, is still self-sufficient in grain, a legacy of anti-globalization politics of Green Revolution, but is dependent on imports in other commodities, including oil and beans, and is going through a severe disruption in agricultural potential, due to rapid pipeline to export crops of selected products to the United States and Europe, and the degradation of valuable agricultural land, in vineyards of fashion and the like.
Meanwhile, the great flood of hyperinflation plaguing those who are poor no matter where they are. For example, in the U.S. the poor have to spend more than 20% of spending its limited resources on food, compared with 5% of those who live well (the national average is 7%). Of course this is just a sample one-dimensional. Is getting worse day by day for everyone. Millions of people have no income at all, no food at all.
AFRICA Kenya: 45%
Nigeria: 40%
Algeria 38% 36%
Pakistan ASIA: Indonesia
46% 43%
India: 35%
AMERICA Mexico: 24%
Peru, Bolivia: 26 - 35%
These calculations were taken from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, published in Time magazine of February 28, 2011.
Food and depopulation: Rockefeller Family - Gates Foundation (CODEX FOOD)
In Indonesia G-20 demand 'rather than speculation on food'; Cargill demand 'markets have the right to kill! "
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