Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Numb And Itchy Red Toes

Independent Living Forum decides on Gabilondo minister's statements and proposals for inclusion Spain Esperanza Aguirre

collect the press release

Segregate is not to educate against school segregation of children with functional diversity (disability)
These days we have seen various statements and positions. Thus: Esperanza Aguirre (PP) is in favor of not mixing in the same class to students of different levels, Maru Menéndez (Partido Socialista de Madrid) rejects the idea of \u200b\u200bsegregating students by abilities, Aguirre intends to create a Bachelor of excellence, Gabilondo minister says "the classrooms are places to live" and commitment to "an inclusive education that incorporates all in a common space" , and the Secretary of State for Education branded as "segregating" hosted model by Aguirre, said that there is a risk of creating ghettos .
Independent Living Forum and Diverted complaint uncertainty that create this type of political behavior. That is, the PSOE in Madrid is shocked that becomes applicable to the scale of the building for all students, when today in other regions both the PSOE and the PP are already using this scale with students with functional diversity .
In the case of the Government, the contradiction is obvious: discriminate on the alleged lack of capacity for giving priority to students with functional diversity and / or imposing special education instead of inclusive education, while rejecting the creation of ghettos and precludes all students to be discriminated because of their abilities. From the Forum Diverted Independent Living and we wonder why the Ministry of Education rejected the segregation of pupils in line with their capabilities and does not prevent school segregation of students with disabilities.
Segregating means to discriminate. SEGREGATE not polite. Segregating excellent students is not to educate others. And segregating students with remaining functional diversity is not educating students. Also, school exclusion is the threshold of social exclusion.
Inclusive Education (in regular schools) is a right. And Aguirre proposals run counter to the Constitution and against UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (functional diversity), in force in Spain since 2008.
In defense of the dignity and human rights from the Forum for Independent Living and Diverted claim the government and government of this country an inclusive and effective social education for children with functional diversity, which translates an investment in resources, both human and material, so that mainstream schools have the necessary support , which allow all English children are educated together and equal opportunities irrespective of their capabilities.
Independent Living Forum Diverted
April 13, 2011
email: FVI [at] forovidaindependiente [dot] org


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