Matroswimming What is? The Matroswimming stimulation is an aquatic activity for which the child can start in the game and learning in the water with the help of mom and dad and get used to a new medium for play and the moves before you do ground.
When I can start school with my baby? The babies can practice since the fall of umbilical cord
to 7 years. The earlier the child's contact with water, better adaptability and ease of learning. Babies under one year of adapting to water more quickly than older children.
Still, some experts recommend waiting until
4 months after birth and ends at that age to mature the baby's immune system and the chances of getting colds or ear infections
as otitis
, decrease .
Pediatricians recommend it because it is an activity ideal for young ones that usually can be confined to a cot, buggy rides and a few juegos.Ahora, not just children who learn, which is a source of enjoyment and fun for parents, but they also class to class learning game safe in the water and safety rules that help avoid accidents.
While the child is small and has not yet reached the maturity to engage in other activities and sports, water is presented as a fun and comfortable for the enjoyment and well juego.Si Matroswimming advantages are many and varied, be sure to consult your family doctor or pediatrician for him to take a control of physical development and health in monthly consultations with your baby.
What are the benefits for the baby?
Matroswimming The benefits are varied and are manifest in all aspects of the baby, either emotional or physical. Furthermore, these advantages are not only short term, and observed in the water, but are a long-term learning and apply to future activities of your child.
• Babies
Initially, it was found that children who practice the swim from a young, sleep and are more relaxed as to face another day of fun activities, and on the other hand, his humor is much better than sedentary children. This also helps them live more easy to adapt to their environment.
• Increased socialization
Being shared activities in a pool with other children and other parents, it helps them enter the social world by maintaining contact with the other kids. And even more, because it improves the relationship with their parents because the child must learn to trust them in the water. Needs your help to make all the movements.
• Better response to problems and further concentration There
initiated studies of children in swimming at an early age to show that achieve what is called "lively intelligence" which makes them more adaptable in difficult situations and quick to respond to problems. At the same time, because they are mechanical exercises, has found that children also achieve a greater ability to concentrate.
• multiple physical benefits can be observed an increase in appetite as well as cardiovascular and respiratory benefits, because babies need to adapt to a new way of breathing underwater. It is also good for controlling obesity and increases reserves of immunity in the future will allow better defend against external aggression and infections. It is also recommended as therapy for children with asthma or disabilities.
What role do parents play in school?
Young children learn through play and learn alongside their parents. And in an area as special as water is necessary for young swimmers feel safe in the hands of their parents.
sessions in the water, beyond the learning itself swimming, facilitate the emotional relationship between parents and children to the extent in the days pass and safety drills. Indeed
motor coordination and balance that achieves the smallest, will be favored by the absence of fear that achieved by the help of their parents in initiating water.
in the company of their parents, all games are simple and safe and this is essential so that, in just a few months later, comes a degree of autonomy in the child and the baby to swim alone and with confidence. as well as for mom and dad growth and development are paramount baby and want to participate in this evolution.
relationship with with his mother babies still being breast fed by is not the same as they have with their father, so Matroswimming classes will be a good experience for both since they can strengthen their relationship.
The first interactions with your baby, are based on contact and excellent support small, and that means more than just a hug or a few caresses. For the infant, how to look, touch or hold, is a direct message about their feelings for him and also allows the child to return that love to answer increasingly visible, especially in the involvement of family activities.
How long is each class Matroswimming?
swimming Each school has its own rules to give classes, but the average time varies between 30 and 45 minutes, 3 times a week, depending on the strength of the children included in the group . The truth is that the water activity is about to repeat the same exercise 4 times on the ground. Water exercises require a lot of muscular effort, so most instructors recommend starting with classes of 15 minutes so that the younger ones adapt to this new medium and later, when the exercises become more complex, 30 minutes remaining in the pool.
consito What exercises and games?
games are made with materials such as balls, tables, bands, and floats to achieve balance and strengthen muscle tone, the circulatory system and the system we practice óseo.También displacement to float and to achieve flexibility. One of the first exercises that are done to start the adaptation in the water, is cradling the baby with arms and walking through water, always maintaining contact with the baby so it does not matter. Another exercise Alazar adjustment is based on the child so that only her feet touch the water and then hold him in a game movement into space.
What precautions should I take?
Water is a new world for babies, beyond knowing by the bathrooms that give mom and dad. Be within a pool requires special preparation, especially to adapt to a new sense of body weight, and a complex breathing technique under agua.Sólo must be careful to strictly monitor the water quality pool and that all babies and their parents to take an adequate medical examination prior to beginning this activity.
General recommendations:
can take into account the recommendations to be prepared for classes:
• Get him used to water beforehand
One of the recommendations made by the class teachers of Matroswimming is when the baby bath . The child tries to play more time in the water, which is familiar, change positions and wet your face, as it could panic when entering the pool for the first time.
• Learn about the materials you should bring schools generally
of Matroswimming gives parents a guide to bring materials to class. Always keep in touch with the school or teachers to be sure not to miss anything.
• not forget the bottle
continuous exercise, and especially in water, whets the appetite, so do not forget the baby bottle of warm milk to compensate for energy expenditure.
• Bathe your baby
Then at the end of class is also recommended to bathe your baby with water to avoid skin irritation because of the chlorine in pools.
• Bring towels
not forget warm towel or gown for your baby to dry your little body and keep warm while you feed or change before returning home.
• Bring diapers
Always have on hand and change diapers after class to make you feel clean and entourage.
• Bring toys submersible
Sometimes babies are afraid to dive into the water because it is an unknown. You can take some toys submersibles and recognize the child to be encouraged to enter the aguan with greater ease. At home you can take a bath with them so they can begin to associate early the aquatic environment and play.
• Forget
problems is good that everyone will enjoy learning in the water with the baby and keep in mind that the warm water helps to relax, eliminating tension and stress of everyday life. So take advantage of it you too!