and two centuries later the fight for American freedom and sovereignty continue ...
LPAC - July 23, 2010
The British are discovered, the time to bounce to Obama is now!
The following is the report we received from a prominent member of the delegation of British Prime Minister David Cameron in Washington. When you read this piece of British perfidy, will be immediately clear that all patriotic Americans would have to act immediately to make Barack Obama president from office. British policy is to sink the U.S., and Obama totally sympathize with this objective Britain. Therefore, we have to get Obama in office now.
In a frank presentation to a group of Americans on Tuesday night, Cameron's spokesman sent a direct message: no more Anglo-American special relationship, the U.S. is going down, and Britain is making plans for a world after U.S.. The new British relations are anchored in Brazil and India, with the prospect that the headquarters of the Commonwealth itself could move to India. Britain imposed a brutal austerity, including a significant reduction of its military operations around the world, but throw a switch to a Hamiltonian policy. Like Turkey, Britain will distance continental Europe.
The active concept behind this message loud and clear about London is that the British puppet Obama has destroyed both the United States as the culmination of a process of more than 40 years, the British now strutting his final game: the end United States, as we know it.
Is there any doubt that the first priority of every true American patriot is Obama's immediate removal from office?
Heir Churchill described the mission to end the U.S.: an interview with Jonathan Sandys
July 21, 2010 - July 20, EIR reporter interviewed Jonathan Anton Chaitkin Sandys (pronounced "sands"), Churchill's grandson and a representative of the Churchill family. In 2008, at age 33, Sandys moved to America, married a Texan and British created the Churchill Foundation in Houston in 2009.
Chaitkin Sandys telephoned him after seeing the daily report OTC (Off the Cuff, Daily Report) from Monday-TV 19 in LPAC on Sandys's speech at a meeting of the Tea Party Clear Lake, Texas which instigated the secession of Texas from the United States. Sandys
you Chaitkin said he has been concerned that Texas seceded from the United States since moving to that state. Has met several times with Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who has suggested that Texas could be separated.
Sandys said Perry plans to visit England and to place a plaque at the site of the Embassy of Texas, the state has always maintained in England since its independence from Mexico in 1840.
"Well we could see a repeat of 1861" Sandys said, the beginning of the Civil War slave owners, the American Civil War. He said the government in the U.S. Obama is alienating the alliance between the states and indicated that if the "38 states" (the according to the secessionist movements have) decided to use his constitutional right to secede, the British would give them a warm welcome to a friendly relationship special.
"If Texas opens the door and exit," he said, "Britain would establish a new special relationship with Texas. This would be written" as opposed to the special relationship with the U.S., which was only informal. "In fact, Texas already has long had its own long-standing special relationship with Britain" assured the EIR.
Sandys described the warm welcome they have given Texans Anglophiles, as a representative and spokesman for Churchill. He said he has often seen Pamela Harriman, the former daughter of Winston Churchill who later married Averell Harriman, when she went to England to the Churchill family gatherings.
America for all Americans from TRUKINY on Vimeo .
Sandys's mission in the United States reflects the old story of his family to "control America." Winston Churchill, grandson of the same Wall Street speculator and owner of the New York Times Leonard Jerome, was responsible for control Harry Truman after the death of Franklin Roosevelt.
Duncan Sandys, grandfather of Jonathan Sandys, married the daughter of Winston Churchill, Diana in 1935. The next day, as the Tory MP, Duncan Sandys defended the right of Nazi Germany to take over central Europe, according to the "Cliveden Set" pro-fascist transatlantic Astor family. Duncan
Dandys occupied successively the posts of Secretary of State for Commonwealth Affairs and Secretary of State for the Colonies British since 1960, through the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, until 1964. He was a member of the board, along with David Astor, the Parliamentary Group for World Government and Global Security Consortium.
Sandys in 1972 became president of the company Tiny Roland and the royal family, London and Rhodesian Mining Company ("Lonrho") support strongly the white ruler of a colonial Rhodesia, Ian Smith, against the efforts of blacks to have a majority government. Jonathan Sandy
said in an interview with EIR reporter did not know the British intelligence and character of Ambrose Evans-Pritchard. But the passionate involvement in politics Sandys internal secessionist and continues to reflect U.S. operations Evans-Pritchard, when he was stationed here as a correspondent for the London Telegraph in 1990. Evans-Pritchard
handled the scandals against President Bill Clinton, to incite networks connected to the private militia movements that he personally promoted and helped organize to undertake actions against the government. (Jon Roland, agent 'militant' Evans-Pritchard, is now the Libertarian Party candidate for Attorney General of Texas).
Among the groups handled by the British were the Texas separatist movements, some of which still operate in tandem with the presence of Jonathan Sandys in Texas.
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