Another crime against humanity gives territorial waters to the WWF
July 28, 2010 - With the Executive Order entitled "Administration of the ocean, our coasts and the Great Lakes", released on 19 July, President Obama orders the management of U.S. waters is carried out according to the environmental criteria required by the genocidal fascist WWF (acronym in English of World Wide Fund for Wildlife) of the British crown. In fact, the WWF hailed the Executive Order, hours before it was unveiled in the U.S. schedule, as a "historic step" towards implementing "a policy [that] has long been a high priority for the Fund Wildlife World. "
American statesman Lyndon LaRouche denounced this outburst of the oceans as the last of the crimes against humanity committed by this president usurper. "Obama just now announced its intention to commit another crime against humanity. Its policy on health services was a crime against humanity. His initiative to 'cap-and-swap "is a crime against humanity. It is very difficult to find something that has made the president from among its most important policies, which is not a crime against humanity, "said LaRouche.
The executive order establishing a National Oceanographic Council within the government with the task of carrying out the "recommendations" of a group of experts from various agencies created a year ago. The expert group's recommendations, also released on July 19, pose a program that virtually declares ecological parks, huge portions of the territorial waters and floodplains of the U.S., where bans all human activity. For the first time, there will be a coordinated system of management of the oceans, coasts and Great Lakes United States, "proclaimed the WWF.
And how the WWF wants to manage these vital resources? The "Global Water Programme" of the WWF is dedicated to reduce overall water use by humans, and in particular for agriculture. It works like a shock bracket to prevent the construction of any new program of water management worldwide, and to overthrow the already built, to stop inter-basin transfer river, close the desalination (these lunatics call "new food" today), changing irrigation strategy to "hold" the water, and discourage the use of the water handing the water to control the "markets" - that is, the oligarchs of the WWF for the water costs while humans can not use. To propose to establish a market to use or sell "the rights of water use" (maybe the name is' pee and exchange? ")
This comes from the very people whose deliberate actions have destroyed the ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico. The president emeritus of the WWF, William Reilly, co-chair of the committee "Independent" appointed by Obama to cover up the destruction of the British Petroleum (BP) in the Gulf, wrote in the Washington newspaper Politico on 22 April: "Given the inaction of Congress, the president Barack Obama gave instructions a team of experts from various agencies to design a program on the oceans that can be carried out by executive order. " Call
fascism by decree.
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