If we had the treadmill, ride the roller as we would not have the "swimming machine."

Any swimmer or triathlete knows that Swimming is the right combination of technique and strength. Understand how to move each body part properly and then practice over and over again until the habit is the key to the improvement in swimming.
Triton, according announce its creators, was designed with the idea that its use promotes improved swimming technique of the athlete achieves while strengthening the muscles involved.

"The team is a great way to work the muscles involved in swimming and their use would be a better option against the use of machines or weights.
"The gestures of the input phases, grasp, pull and push can easily be learned or improved as the guides of the apparatus" teach "our hands the technique.
-looking design with no strings attached that the recovery is done without charge and relaxed to learn how to be felt in the water. However, if you watch the video will understand what I mean, the stage of recovery efforts should be remembering to lift the elbow in each cycle to avoid using the device generates incorrect services.
"The device train the kick does not seem entirely accurate in the search for improvement of the gesture because it works only with bending from the knees and not from the hips. Actually more like a device to strengthen hamstring.
In summary, the TRITON is a good option to improve some technical movements to strengthen muscles and to replace swims when we are unable to do them.
For its price (U $ S 2500) consider it difficult to purchase for personal use. Certainly easier than it is purchased by institutions, clubs, etc and these make them available for their customers.
According to the website of the manufacturer, the TRITON is used in:
-Academy U.S. Air Force, Colorado Springs
-USAT Olympic Training Center, Colorado Springs
-Chelsea Piers Sports Complex, New York
-Northeastern University, Boston
Posted by triarosario.blogspot.com
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