Roman Rodriguez. PP.
November 23 Yesterday, we had the opportunity to attend as guests of the Parliament of Galicia, to attend the debate and vote on a NLP Education inclusive.
Last May, the parliamentary group in the Congress of Deputies presented a motion on inclusive education law, as pledged in the meetings we had on 16 February, and picking approaches Spain Inclusion Platform.
Picking the witness, the Popular Parliamentary Group of the Parliament of Galicia had the proposition of law and other groups urged the House Galician reach agreements.
And the agreement reached, the proposal was approved unanimously. Contributions socialist parliamentary group Parliamentary Group and were successful BNG and positive. Parliamentary group urged BNG in NLP include the need to strengthen early detection of functional diversity in the stage of zero to three years in nursery school, continuing the line of action and detection put in up when they had the responsibilities of government. Social Democratic Party pointed out the need that the Department of Education put in place a plan inclusive education for the remainder of term, which are collected objectives, material and human resources for put into place, and the corresponding budget.
law The motion was approved unanimously. We believe important, talk, debate, put on the table for our children is, and that is also entitled. Now the ball is on the table of the Galician government to be decided by taking into account the mandate of the Galician Parliament.
After the debate, the guests at the same had the opportunity to share a few minutes with the spokesman of the Popular Group, with deputy Román Rodríguez, and the President of the Xunta de Galicia.
As a personal reflection, neither should we lose the perspective that we are talking about human rights. Picking up the words of Mr. Gabilondo, we must reflect on what crude is spun in the same sentence HUMAN RIGHTS AND BUDGET.
The President of the Xunta, let us know which is the differentiating factor in education budgets, Galicia must allocate 120 million euros every year to school transport. is not required to be on the same scale in transportation and education of children with special educational needs, I know that the sr. President of the Xunta was getting just one example.
is the responsibility of the Galician government, and more at these times, deciding the priorities for budgetary support.
paraphrase back to the Minister of Education in Spain can not speak of education in terms of dignity and human rights for English students with functional diversity, also in Galicia.
I am of the view that the dignity and human rights can not depend on budgets.
A decent education for all, because that is what we are talking about, do not imply a budget increase, but a reorganization and spending especially taking into account economic efficiency criteria, organizational and teaching, especially teaching efficiency, very important.
very important I think the willingness to talk, discuss and listen, and this provision is welcome and there.
In Galicia is pending approval of the plan cross care for people with disabilities, we have already made contributions. Link . As soon as we have the video of the debate on NLP and related documents we will publish for consultation by anyone interested.
Thank you all for your support and encouragement
November 21, 2010 - Managing Director International Monetary Fund (IMF) Dominique Strauss-Kahn echoed the words of another Frenchman now become a fascist unimundista, President of the European Central Bank (ECB) Jean-Claude Trichet and EU urged to surrender the last vestiges of its sovereignty to European Commission and the ECB.
Strauss-Kahn spoke at a conference sponsored by the ECB in Frankfurt, Germany, where he said a "poor governance in the euro area" has worsened the current financial crisis. Because the interests of nations in the way of what he called the decision "necessary", then proposed that takes power "center", ie supranational institutions are the Commission And the ECB. "The social pressure has not done much to Europe. It's time to change course. The center should take the lead in all key areas to reach a common destiny of the union, especially in the financial, economic and social . Countries must be willing to cede more authority to the center. They should redesign the mechanisms to give incentives for reform ... " Then
urged European Union nations, which already can not even decide on what bulbs to use, to deliver the last of their rights, to design its own national budget: "The most ambitious, controversial extensively in the literature academic, it would create a centralized fiscal authority, with a comparable political independence of the ECB. The authority would set each member their fiscal position and allocate resources from the central budget. "He said this can be done simply neutering the powers of the European Council, composed of all Member States, which is supposed to be the body that decides last resort. Strauss-Kahn called "remove the primary responsibility to exercise fiscal discipline and key structural reforms to the Council. This would minimize the risk of narrow national interests interfere with the effective implementation of common standards. In the existing institutional context, the Commission as guardian of the treaties of Europe, could play that role. It could also operate a separate and independent institution. "
then asked to increase the budget of the Commission by creating more burdens on taxpayers, despite their having no representation:" This means that we move beyond the current budget EU, strictly limited by the Treaty, to a system using transparent instruments at European level, such as VAT [Value Added Tax] European taxes or fix prices of carbon emissions. "
recommend the following note to only deepen the understanding of the problem with Possible solution.
November 16, 2010 - Cholera is now present in all the departments (provinces) of Haiti, and spread so quickly that several medical sources and other herald "hundreds of thousands" of people infected. Doctors at Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres, MSF) report that they can not cope with the influx of patients coming to clinics across the country. Doctors and nurses working in different parts of the country report they are running out of medical supplies.
In this chaotic situation and the lack of mobilization required to respond, violent protests have erupted in the northwestern city of Haiti, Cap Haitien, where local protesters attacked the peacekeepers of the UN with bottles, rocks and burning tires, blaming the Nepalese peacekeepers by the outbreak of cholera. In Hinche, central Haiti, protesters set fire to a police station. Vincenzo Pugliese, a spokesman for the stabilization mission of the UN, MINUSTAH, warned that "we are facing the consequences of a cholera epidemic, and two weeks before the election, so people are scared."
In neighboring Dominican Republic, although The government insists that the country is free of cholera, there have been two confirmed cases of cholera reported in San Jose Ocoa and Laguna Salada in the country's northwest. On November 12, Dr. Senen Cava, leader of the Dominican Medical Association, warned that the onset of the disease in the country is "imminent."
Until today, have killed nearly 1,000 people for cholera in Haiti, and 14.642 people are infected, but it is common knowledge that the figure is much higher. In remote rural areas it is impossible to know how many people are sick.
On 11 November, Dr. Stefano Zannini, leader of the MSF mission in Haiti, gave a firsthand report on the situation on the ground. Today, five days later, is much worse. He reported that:
"In the neighborhood of Cité Soleil, located north of the city [Port-au-Prince], we recorded 216 cases of cholera yesterday different coming to the hospital, while the total number reported just five days ago had been 30. The patients come from everywhere, from all parts of the city, rich or slum areas ... "
"But we are really concerned about space. If you continue increasing the number of cases at the same rate, then we will have to take drastic measures to treat people. We'll have to use public spaces and into the streets. I can easily see that this situation will deteriorate to the point where we see patients lying in the streets, waiting for treatment. At this time, simply do not have many options. "
" We are looking for alternative spaces, but you have to keep in mind as the situation in Port-au-Prince ... Only to find an empty area in this city is a major logistical challenge, so for us to find space to treat people will become complicated. "
" Right now we have over 100 international staff members and more than 400 Haitian staff working in treatment centers cholera throughout the country, but simply not enough. Is getting more medical staff, but there is a chronic shortage of staff here in Haiti and we are about to be exceeded. Our teams work 24 hours a day, and fatigue is becoming a problem. Our teams are working very hard and are hard-pressed by the workload. It is not easy to work at a cholera treatment with the smell, noise and pressure of many patients. But we will continue to provide treatment. "
" In my capacity as head of mission of MSF, I am extremely proud of the passion and commitment that my team is showing now in Port-au-Prince and Haiti. But we are at a crucial time. There is no living memory of cholera in Haiti and therefore little is known of the disease. This means that there are many misconceptions and rumors have circulated that caused panic in the population . Some people do not come to treatment centers or cholera have been afraid that in their neighborhoods because they think they contribute to the spread of the disease. We have been trying to explain that the opposite is true: the closer is the population center, the better ".
" But another problem is that cuando la gente termina su tratamiento y dejan los centros, vuelven a lo que es un zona potencialmente contagiada con cólera. Aquí, en Port-au-Prince, todavía viven en campamentos 1.4 millones de personas y dentro de los campamentos, son escasos la higiene, sanidad y agua potable. Estos 1,4 millones de personas dependen totalmente de los grupos de ayuda humanitarios para obtener agua potable. La infraestructura es débil y es muy difícil obtener ayuda médica y agua para todas estas personas".
From Argentina:
Dear Lyn: A big hug from Argentina, and is well known the word for these grasslands and that they were distracted remember. I am an activist of the Youth of the Frente Grande, part of the coalition government of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, in these days very saddened by the departure of a great leader, a great man. Our dear departed Nestor, most left their seeds are grown and flourish, spreading militant popular national seed, the question is:
After his death leaves vacant a very important strategic area for us that is the Secretary General of UNASUR [Union of South American Nations]. It is mentioned as a successor to Lula, what is your opinion? especially the importance of the Darien Gap, which prevents us from securing the work of unifying communications high-speed rail in America.
LAROUCHE: Well, I think the practicality is sometimes an indirect way of addressing a problem like this.
The problem here is America. If we had a decent lead here in America, we would immediately coincide with NAWAPA. The Darien Gap plan is an extension, in essence, the idea of \u200b\u200bNAWAPA. Build systems that are implicitly global systems that can provide the infrastructure for nations through cooperation, develop a higher level, per capita and per square kilometer.
know for example that in Argentina, for studies that did for many years, Argentina's potential in terms of population, in area, is much, much larger than we had realized to date. Because there are whole areas of Argentina that remain essentially underdeveloped, and very underdeveloped and represent a major potential wealth in the region.
There is also a story in Argentina, within the population of Argentina, of skills. And therefore, the population has an inherent cultural potential gains in production. This was true in the early postwar period is expressed very clearly Peron, and so forth. That may come back.
Taking the case of Mexico, which has been almost destroyed practically since 1982, as sben, the destruction of Mexico, ordered by the British and supported by people in the United States. And Mexico not like nowhere near what it was then. They have destroyed the people, people, culture has been destroyed. The drug has been possible because of this cultural destruction carried out by international financial interests controlled by the British.
Colombia is a nation with considerable potential. Venezuela has never had a similar development. Brazil has the potential but also has an internal social crisis among the very poor and who are, say, more powerful and have more influence. There are problems. Peru has been crushed by what he tried to do before. All these things are happening. Therefore, we need, and I believe only a change in the United States would facilitate this as something that can be programmed, which is programmable. If we had the right kind of government in America, and I have in mind a former president who is still able to do so from the United States could organize the kind of cooperation in the hemisphere that would allow the potential of these various countries perform, and release so they can perform.
There is a cultural potential in Argentina with which I am familiar. It's a good thing, but it needs an international context a context of trade and others to realize that potential. And I think a Roosevelt-style guidance on the hemisphere is the obvious answer. If one takes into account the Darien Gap project we have proposed, this would open it. There are other things there that could open it. Simply, if the United States playing the role of what Roosevelt called "good neighbor", such as the Rio Treaty, the Rio Treaty in its time.
So what we have to look therefore, above all, cooperation is the intellectual, political and among these nations intend to summarize what your potential. We need a system in the hemisphere, that sort of thing by we have always fought, some of us, that would give us the means to do so. Now mins, there are no means to do so, but we could easily create the means to achieve it. And I think the first is that the intention to go ahead, if our purpose among the people in these nations to move in that direction, establishing that purpose as an agreement of intent, we can create the basis for the result really. The first is to invent the idea and then develop the way they should create and implement that idea. I think we should be optimistic in this regard. I hope, we hope that our work now allows us to be in closer contact with the nations of South America, and that simple contact and cooperation and work together, provide the foundation to achieve what we need to accomplish.
Thanks Lyn, I would not forget in his lifetime, how important is your awareness of answering, as the letter I sent to my great-grandfather Juan Peron Trucchi ...