November 23 Yesterday, we had the opportunity to attend as guests of the Parliament of Galicia, to attend the debate and vote on a NLP Education inclusive.
Last May, the parliamentary group in the Congress of Deputies presented a motion on inclusive education law, as pledged in the meetings we had on 16 February, and picking approaches Spain Inclusion Platform.
Picking the witness, the Popular Parliamentary Group of the Parliament of Galicia had the proposition of law and other groups urged the House Galician reach agreements.
And the agreement reached, the proposal was approved unanimously. Contributions socialist parliamentary group Parliamentary Group and were successful BNG and positive. Parliamentary group urged BNG in NLP include the need to strengthen early detection of functional diversity in the stage of zero to three years in nursery school, continuing the line of action and detection put in up when they had the responsibilities of government. Social Democratic Party pointed out the need that the Department of Education put in place a plan inclusive education for the remainder of term, which are collected objectives, material and human resources for put into place, and the corresponding budget.
law The motion was approved unanimously. We believe important, talk, debate, put on the table for our children is, and that is also entitled. Now the ball is on the table of the Galician government to be decided by taking into account the mandate of the Galician Parliament.
After the debate, the guests at the same had the opportunity to share a few minutes with the spokesman of the Popular Group, with deputy Román Rodríguez, and the President of the Xunta de Galicia.
As a personal reflection, neither should we lose the perspective that we are talking about human rights. Picking up the words of Mr. Gabilondo, we must reflect on what crude is spun in the same sentence HUMAN RIGHTS AND BUDGET.
The President of the Xunta, let us know which is the differentiating factor in education budgets, Galicia must allocate 120 million euros every year to school transport. is not required to be on the same scale in transportation and education of children with special educational needs, I know that the sr. President of the Xunta was getting just one example.
is the responsibility of the Galician government, and more at these times, deciding the priorities for budgetary support.
paraphrase back to the Minister of Education in Spain can not speak of education in terms of dignity and human rights for English students with functional diversity, also in Galicia.
I am of the view that the dignity and human rights can not depend on budgets.
A decent education for all, because that is what we are talking about, do not imply a budget increase, but a reorganization and spending especially taking into account economic efficiency criteria, organizational and teaching, especially teaching efficiency, very important.
very important I think the willingness to talk, discuss and listen, and this provision is welcome and there.
In Galicia is pending approval of the plan cross care for people with disabilities, we have already made contributions. Link . As soon as we have the video of the debate on NLP and related documents we will publish for consultation by anyone interested.
Thank you all for your support and encouragement
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