IMF: Europeans must submit their national states "governance" fascist
November 21, 2010 - Managing Director International Monetary Fund (IMF) Dominique Strauss-Kahn echoed the words of another Frenchman now become a fascist unimundista, President of the European Central Bank (ECB) Jean-Claude Trichet and EU urged to surrender the last vestiges of its sovereignty to European Commission and the ECB.
Strauss-Kahn spoke at a conference sponsored by the ECB in Frankfurt, Germany, where he said a "poor governance in the euro area" has worsened the current financial crisis. Because the interests of nations in the way of what he called the decision "necessary", then proposed that takes power "center", ie supranational institutions are the Commission And the ECB. "The social pressure has not done much to Europe. It's time to change course. The center should take the lead in all key areas to reach a common destiny of the union, especially in the financial, economic and social . Countries must be willing to cede more authority to the center. They should redesign the mechanisms to give incentives for reform ... " Then
urged European Union nations, which already can not even decide on what bulbs to use, to deliver the last of their rights, to design its own national budget: "The most ambitious, controversial extensively in the literature academic, it would create a centralized fiscal authority, with a comparable political independence of the ECB. The authority would set each member their fiscal position and allocate resources from the central budget. "He said this can be done simply neutering the powers of the European Council, composed of all Member States, which is supposed to be the body that decides last resort. Strauss-Kahn called "remove the primary responsibility to exercise fiscal discipline and key structural reforms to the Council. This would minimize the risk of narrow national interests interfere with the effective implementation of common standards. In the existing institutional context, the Commission as guardian of the treaties of Europe, could play that role. It could also operate a separate and independent institution. "
then asked to increase the budget of the Commission by creating more burdens on taxpayers, despite their having no representation:" This means that we move beyond the current budget EU, strictly limited by the Treaty, to a system using transparent instruments at European level, such as VAT [Value Added Tax] European taxes or fix prices of carbon emissions. "
recommend the following note to only deepen the understanding of the problem with Possible solution.
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